Замените прямую речь косвенной: "У вас чудный голос, - сказал он совершенно чистосердечно, - на меня пение ещё никогда не производило такого впечатления,как эти несколько звуков"
N modern world sometimes very difficult to find decent work. Today professionalism, high efficiency of work, non-standard approach to the performed work are very much appreciated. Working at home has the following advantages. At home people don't distract on different things, they are more concentrated and attentive, focused on the purpose. The person doesn't spend time for movement to a work place. It is possible to choose any convenient time for working. It is possible to try different specialties and not to be afraid to spoil something, to develop freedom of creativity, search of new projects without leaving the house. But working at home has a number of disadvantages. People can't communicate with colleagues. Managers can't control the implementation of work. There are no constant orders, it is necessary to look for to whom to sell goods and therefore there are no constant earnings. House work promotes increase of a level of responsibility, discipline, devotion when performing of the set purposes. The work performed in house conditions has higher value since the person can make a thing in the single copy and is qualitative. In the conclusion it is possible to say that working at home develops individual thinking, maintains high efficiency of work, excludes many diseases and the stresses inherent in a collective, you work hard you earn much. Working at home in the modern world has equal opportunities or even advantages over production in big collectives.
длительное время. Как следует из названия, оно отвечает за события, которые происходили в и продолжались какое-то время. I was playing. He was eating They were laughing Were you sleeping when I called? You sounded drowsy. Ты спал, когда я позвонил? Ты казался сонным. was sleeping when someone knocked at the door In the morning our elevator was not (wasn’t) working. Утром не работал лифт. I/He/She/It + was + глагол-ingWe/You/They + were + глагол-ingI was singing. – Я пел.He was walking. – Он гулял.She was writing. – Она писала.It was falling. – Оно падало.WWas I singing? – Я пел?
Was he walking? – Он гулял?
Was she writing? – Она писала?
Was it falling? – Оно падало?e were reading. – Мы читали. You were talking. – Вы разговаривали. They were running. – Они бежали.I/He/She/It + was not + глагол-ingWe/You/They + were not + глагол-ingI was not singing. – Я не пел.He was not walking. – Он не гулял.She was not writing. – Она не писала.
It was not falling. – Оно не падало.We were not reading. – Мы не читали.You were not talking. – Вы не разговаривали.They were not running. – Они не бежали.At midnight I was reading a book. – В полночь я читал книгу. (я начал читать до полуночи, возможно, продолжал после и в это конкретное время находился в процессе чтения)