I think it is better to live on a student campus. The campus is а paradise for students. There is everything for work and leisure of teenagers. There students can communicate with their mate rooms and with neighbours. The campus has classrooms, research classes, accommodation for students, the library and the reading hall with computers. In a word, everything there motivates students for learning. More over the campus for students is much more comfortable than the flat because it has a dining room, but when living in an apartment you have to cook for yourself or to have supper in an expensive cafe. Usually the campus is not far from the university. So the students will not be late, and they will have more time for themselves. While living on a campus, you can participate in interesting events organized on the campus. Students can enjoy the entertainments and attractions when living on a campus. Besides, there is a TV, a shower, toilets, a cafe, a store and a laundry. Thus, I believe that life on a campus is easier and more interesting than in an apartment.
Трогательная история о старой ели, которая всю жизнь простояла в лесу, встретила не одно Рождество там, но так и не была никем выбрана в качестве рождественской ели.
Дерево-старец считает, что причиной всему его огромный рост и, конечно, же преклонный возраст.
И вот, в очередной канун Рождества, так и не дождавшись своего часа, он впадает в крайнее уныние и жалуется всем лесным обитателям – белкам, птицам, оленям на свою бестолковую судьбу. Дерево уверено, что жизнь прожита даром и что впереди его уже не ждет ничего стоящего. В такой подавленном состоянии ель засыпает.
Когда же дерево просыпается…. Происходит рождественское чудо!
The touching story of the old spruce, who all his life stood in the forest, met a lot of Christmases there, but it was not selected as a Christmas tree.
Wood-aged man believes that the cause of its tremendous growth and, of course, old age.
And here, once on Christmas eve, and not waiting in the wings, he falls into utter despair and complains all the forest inhabitants – squirrels, birds, deer on their stupid destiny. Wood believes that life is lived in vain, and that in front of him is not waiting for anything worthwhile. In such a depressed state El falls asleep.
When the tree wakes up Happens a Christmas miracle!
I think it is better to live on a student campus. The campus is а paradise for students. There is everything for work and leisure of teenagers. There students can communicate with their mate rooms and with neighbours. The campus has classrooms, research classes, accommodation for students, the library and the reading hall with computers. In a word, everything there motivates students for learning. More over the campus for students is much more comfortable than the flat because it has a dining room, but when living in an apartment you have to cook for yourself or to have supper in an expensive cafe. Usually the campus is not far from the university. So the students will not be late, and they will have more time for themselves. While living on a campus, you can participate in interesting events organized on the campus. Students can enjoy the entertainments and attractions when living on a campus. Besides, there is a TV, a shower, toilets, a cafe, a store and a laundry. Thus, I believe that life on a campus is easier and more interesting than in an apartment.