I go to bed at 9(тут можешь написать любое время, то есть когда ты ложишься спать) o'clock
My teacher's birthday is March 5(тут тоже напиши какое хочешь число и месяц)
In 5 minutes(можешь написать сколько угодно)
Of course there is, there we have informatics(вопрос переводится так: есть ли у вас в школе компьютерная комната, я ответила что да)
I do sports every Monday, Wednesday and Friday(этот вопрос переводится как: как часто ты занимаешься спортом, я ответила что каждый понедельник, среду и пятницу)
my parents are from Kazakhstan(можешь написать вместо Казахстан, любую другую страну)
Fiction books is an art form in which natural language words and constructions are used as a single material. The specificity of fiction is reflected in comparison with the types of art used by this material instead of verbal and linguistic ones.
Nonfiction (also spelled as non-fiction) is any document or media content that faithfully represents only truth and accuracy about information, events, or people. Documentary content can be presented both objectively and subjectively. Sometimes, taking the form of a story, nonfiction is one of the fundamental sections of narrative writing (particularly prose) - as opposed to fiction, which offers information, events, or characters that are assumed to be partly or largely imaginary, or they are left open if and how the work relates to reality. Documentary literature
poaching and the city are the only places to find the most common and a few days a year to be able and have to be in a hurry and the city is the best way for us and the