1. Fill in the sentences with the words: collapse, occur, flood, avalanche, rescue, book, extremely, set off, lift.
1) The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homelessness.
2) Can you, please, give me a lift to the airport tomorrow morning? I’d rather not take a taxi.
3) Drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.
4) We should set off on our trip before sunrise tomorrow, if we want to reach our destination by noon.
5) A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses.
За сделано 5 предложений.
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Recipe for the most delicious pizza. First, let's take the test. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself. Knead the dough, grease it with ketchup, put 2 types of sliced sausage: boiled and smoked. Cut the tomato and put it too. Then cucumber, if desired, you can add mayonnaise. And most importantly, we fall asleep with cheese. We throw our already flavorful pizza in the oven for 40 minutes. We take out and enjoy our masterpiece.
Рецепт самой вкусной пиццы. Для начала займемся тестом. Его можно купить, а можно и сделать самому. Замешиваем тесто, смазываем его кетчупом, кладем 2 вида нарезанной колбасы: вареной и копчёной. Нарезаем помидор и тоже кладем. Потом огурец, по желанию можно добавить майонез. И самое главное засыпаем сыром. Закидываем нашу уже ароматную пиццу в духовку на 40 минут. Достаём и наслаждаемся нашим шедевром.
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