Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
The Legend of Beowulf
Once upon a time, there was a horrible monster called Grendel. He was half-man and half-monster. He lived in Denmark.
One day, he came to the king’s castle but nobody could kill the monster. A knight called Beowulf heard about the problem and went to Denmark to help the king.
One night when Beowulf and his men went to sleep the monster came into the castle and killed one of them. Beowulf woke up and killed the monster. When he came back to the castle, the king was very happy and he gave Beowulf presents and money.
Beowulf went back to his country and became a king. He was a wise king for fifty years. But one day, a dragon came to his country and attacked people. The knights were afraid and they did not want to fight the dragon. King Beowulf was an old man but he went to the dragon’s cave with his men and killed the ugly monster.
26 Grendel lived in Finland. a)True b)False c)DS
27 The king’s knights couldn’t sail the boat. a)True b)False c)DS
28 Beowulf was a king’s knight. a)True b)False c)DS
29 One of Beowulf’s men killed the monster. a)True b)False c)DS
30 Beowulf went back to his country, became a king and he had two sons. a)True b)False c)DS
предложения с использованием Can
1. I can sing very well.
2. He can swim.
3. We can wait for you.
4. We can walk in the park alone.
5. You can eat this cake.
6. I can do my homework after the party.
7. It can help you clean the house.
8. She can draw a picture.
9. He can take a photo of us.
10. I can call your mum.
предложения с использованием Can't
1. I can't do my homework, because l'm very tired.
2. We can't get up early in the morning tomorrow.
3. He can't go to the cinema with us.
4. You can't be serious.
5. My brother can't walk in the park alone.
6. Parrots can't eat chocolate.
7. Kate can't walk with us, she must do her homework.
8. Penguines can't fly.
9. We can't decorate Christmas tree today.
10. You can't do the exercise!
выбери любые 6 предложений из 20, которые тебе понравятся