Underline the correct item and ask questions
1. Matt likes to travel/travels by coach.(How)
2. You must/can take photographs in the museum. (Where)
3. Dan wants to visit historic/new sites in Egypt.( общий)
4. Patty likes travelling by/on plane. (альтернативный)
5. They stay at a nice coach/hotel when they go on holiday. (When)
6. You can go rock climbing/scuba diving in Himalayas. (общий)
7. Sara wanted to take a train/cruise down the Nile. (общий)
8. Peter likes walking. He goes sailing/hiking every summer.
9. You can/can’t buy souvenirs here. We’ve got a big selection.
10. Holly is going on a cruise/safari to see the wild animals.
Dear friend!
How are you?
I remember that you asked me about internet!
Now I have free time and I can tell you my thought about internet.
Many people use the internet and teenagers.
Internet is an irreplaceable thing in our life.
The internet has many kinds of information like use and harmful.
Many teenagers use the internet as helping in prepare to homework!
Other use the internet as playing computer games and like amusement.
Adults use the internet as watch different kinds of films,reading internet books and about work.
Also internet has its advantage and disadvantage , but about it I tell you in my next e-mail message!
Kind regards!