He said that being a mixed-race kid had been difficult.
She saidthat he had looked absolutely dreadful... and she had been known as 'the bad girl' in school."
She said she had been really jealous of the leaders and tough older girls... and she had become really angry when she had been 13 because I were insecure about how I looked and where I fitted in.
She said that since she had started writing songs at 13, she had worked like dog.
She said when her older friends left school she had been forced to face up to the other kids her gang had had rejected.
She added people could do anything that's physically possible if they had talent and determination.
She said that that was not that she wanted to be a role model, because she was not perfect.
She added that she felt like she could make someone feel more acceptable and would always connect with teenage outsiders.
минусы деревни:
1) sometimes it's boring (иногда это скучно)
2)i live a long way from my friends (я живу далеко от своих друзей)
плюсы города:
1)Edinburgh is more exciting than my village. (эдинбург более захватывающий чем моя деревня)
2)It's much bigger of course, and there are more interesting things to do than in the country.(он намного больше, и здесь больше есть чем заняться, чем в деревне)
quit quiter quitest
long longer longer
interesting more interesting most interesting
easy easier easiest
many more most
bored more bored most bored
boring more boring most boring