We spent full weekand in country, and it was very good! We were lucky with weather, and everybody had ability to do something, they wanted : father was cathing fish in a lake, mother and my yonger sister sunbathed and played badminton, and I tried to train our puppy... What about people in your country? How do people in your country spend weekeds? Which season is the best for activities in your region? Do you usually spend weekends with your family or friends, and why?
Очень много компаний, делающих (seosccmti), таких как губная помада и крем для лица подвергаются критике защитниками прав животных acrivists. 2)Что ___ (exlusriu) я скучаю если бы я жил на необитаемом острове? Ну, шоколад и горячей проточной водой для начала! 3)хлопка и шелка во многом заменили шерсть и кожа как одежда ___(estmriala). 4)самое главное ___ (onitnvine)? Мобильный телефон конечно! 5)Вы сделали ___(tstaisfycora) прогресса, но я уверен, что вы могли бы лучше. 6)Работа в качестве учителя в течение шести месяцев было по-настоящему ___(baluvlea) опыт. 7)я увидел интересный ___(ahrstoicli) фильм о французской революции. 8)они измерили изменение температуры, используя очень точный ___(ticiscenif) инструментов.
We spent full weekand in country, and it was very good! We were lucky with weather, and everybody had ability to do something, they wanted : father was cathing fish in a lake, mother and my yonger sister sunbathed and played badminton, and I tried to train our puppy... What about people in your country? How do people in your country spend weekeds? Which season is the best for activities in your region? Do you usually spend weekends with your family or friends, and why?
Good luck/Write me soon/Best wishes (ваше имя)