Знайти 14 зайвих слів в тексті : Hardly a house in Britain or in the America but puts up custom the children's stockings by the side of the chimney for Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, on Christmas Eve, and gen ation of children have gone eagerly to them on Christmas morning to see what Santa Claus has put into them. Yet the practice has nothing to do with Christmas, or Christian festival Its only connection is with Santa Claus, or, to give the name of its correct appelation, Sant Nicholas. The saint, who liked to do hanging up good stockings by stealth, heard that thre lovely sisters, who lived in a poor cottage on the outskirts of a town over the fire were so poor that if they wanted to continue living at all, a life of shame was the only alternative The good saint made his way came to their home into one night, and threw a gift of three gold pieces through the smoke-hole of the cottage. (There were no chimneys in those days The smoke went out through a hole being cut in the roof). Instead of the gold pieces failling on the hearth, as he long expected, they fell into the stockings of the girls, which had been hung up over the fire to dry after washing. Hence, when the tale became known, the custom of hanging up stockings over the fire came into being and Christmas Day was chosen the doing, because it was Saint Nicholas's Day. Hence, also, the idea that Santa Claus comes down ago the chimney.
About 20 years ago, children and adults didn't have computers with internet and mass media was had some frames about information that is allowed for everybody. As for now, sex, drugs and cigarettes become normal things that can be propagandized in movies, advertisements and so on. Because of this "freedom", children become adult faster than it was before.
If it was normal to start having sex at 18-20 years old in the past, so for now, teenagers have their first experience at 14-17 in average. But we can not say that girls at this age can be prescribed contraceptives due to the fact that it is a hormone interfere and it can harm the health. Actually, not every girl is allowed to use contraceptives because it depends on individuals. Moreover, these pills must be ascertained by doctor permission.
Therefore, the best option is to abstain having sex at so early age or, in other case, to use condom.