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Veterinary ServiceIn spite of the swift progress in all branches of science and technology agriculture remains the main source of providing the population with food. It supplies the necessary raw materials for the food and light industries which produce large quantities of consumer goods and food products.Intensifi cation of animal husbandry – better feeding and selection, introduction of the achievements of science and advanced methods, and greater mechanization – ensures a constant increase in the output of animal products.Specialization and concentration in animal husbandry is increasing, units for the fattening of cattle, pigs and poultry are set up and large indus-trialized farms for the production of pork, beef, eggs and milk have been established around cities.The transfer of animal husbandry to the industrial basis sets a great task for the veterinary science.The foremost task of veterinary scientists and experts is the organiza-tion and carrying out of complex investigations on the problems which are of great importance for the development of animal husbandry.They also must help collective farms to apply the achievements of sci-ence and advanced experience in their practical work.Veterinary service should pay particular attention to the organization of veterinary work on industrial livestock and poultry farms to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.
At present due to the tremendous labour of thousands of veterinary scientists and practitioners the veterinary-sanitary status of cattle-breeding has been improved, mortality has reduced, occurrence of infectious and non-infectious diseases has lowered.
Biological industry produces various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of the animal body to harmful conditions of environment and accelerating growth of animals.
The foremost attention is paid to veterinary sanitation and hygiene because they are the foundation of human health, well-being of animals, good quality of animal production and high culture of cattle-breeding. Veterinary measures are carried out on the basis of Veterinary Rules (The Law of the Republic of Belarus “About Veterinary Work”).
There is a wide net of research veterinary institutes and colleges in the Republic of Belarus.Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine directs veterinary scientific activity in our republic. More than 1,000 veterinarians graduate from the Academy annually.
The veterinarian must know the rules and regulations designed to conserve animal life and to safeguard public health. The work in which he may be engaged is the following:
–Consultation regarding problems of animal health and diseases.
–Hospitalization of sick and injured animals.
–Eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis in livestock.
–Vaccination of animals against anthrax, aphtha, rabies, tetanus and several infectious diseases of poultry.
–Inspection of food supplies of animal origin to prevent the transmission of animal diseases to man.
International cooperation is significantly extended in the field of veterinary medicine. The international veterinary cooperation is a good basis for the rise of efficacy of veterinary work and improvement of means of eradicating animal diseases, reduction of loss in animal husbandry and growth of animal productivity.
2. Say if the statements are true to the text or false. Correct the false ones.1. Specialization and concentration in animal husbandry is increasing.2. The main task of veterinary scientists is the organization and carry-ing out of investigations on the problems of plant diseases.3. Light industry produces various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of the animal body to harmful conditions of environment.4.Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine is the only institute training veterinary scientists and experts.5. International cooperation in the fi eld of veterinary medicine is in-creasing.
3. Answer the questions to the text.1. Is agriculture the main source of providing the population with food?2. What ensures a constant increase in the output of animal products?3. Why does the transfer of animal husbandry to the industrial basis set a great task for the veterinary science?4. What should veterinary service pay particular attention to?5. What has already been done by thousands of veterinary scientists and practitioners?6. Does Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine direct veterinary sci-entifi c activity in our republic?7. What is the main law of veterinary service of the Republic of Be-larus?8. What does the work of veterinarians include?
My own time is very important for me. The time is everything for me and I try to follow the proverp:"time is money". So, usually I have enough time to do all the things I'd like to do in my life.I understand that our life is short and we are lack of time. That's why I try to do everything as fast as it is possible. Idon't like a waste my time, so all my days are full of different things for me. Usually I prefer to spend my time on sport to keep my feet,on learning to keep up my knowledge, on outdoor activities to be healthy and on my relatives,of course.
I like to take life as it comes. It allows me to feel free so I can do many things during my day. But rarely I follow the calendar because it halps me not to forget about the great events in my life. Of course I use the calendar when I am at school because I must know when the holidays begin.
We must spend our time wisely because it is the only way to have enough free time to do all the things we'd like to do in our life.