This text tells us that we are finishing school this year. In 10 months we will be issuing exams and will decide what we will do in our adult life. It takes long and hard work to successfully complete exams. This text also tells us about the fact that Learning is very important in modern life, and especially learning English. Half a billion people speak English. It is impossible to solve the problems of hunger of war without English, education is available. After all, all people should speak the same language to solve these problems.
Также у нас есть огромный школьный двор. Там есть маленькая футбольная площадка, различные турники. Когда бывает теплая погода, наши уроки физкультуры проходят там.
Приезжай ко мне в гости и я покажу тебе мою школу.
Dear Alex! Hello! I want to tell you about my school. The building my school is red. It has 4 floors. My classes begin at 8.30. I'm in the 7th grade. We study a lot of subjects. I like history, literature and mathematics. Our school has a large sports hall. In it we physical education. And some guys go in the sections of basketball, volleyball and football. Our school participates in various competitions, and sometimes wins them. We also have a huge school yard. There is a small football pitch, various climbing frames. When the weather is warm, our physical education classes are held there. Come to visit me and I'll show you my school.