1. На некоторых участках поезд развивает скорость до 130 к/час. 2. Дизайнеры вносят различные усовершенствования в конструкцию локомотивов. 3. Электроника стала очень важной во всех отраслях промышленности. 4. Вчера вечером студенты проводили в лаборатории испытание новых устройств. 1. The train does not develop a speed of 130 kilometres per hour on some sections. 2. Are the designers making different improvements in the construction of the locomotives? 3. Did electronics become very important in all branches of industry? 4. The students were not testing new devices in the laboratory last evening.
There are two methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences. 1. Are there two methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences? 2. Are there two or three methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences? 3. What are there of trying persons accused of criminal offences? 4. How many methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences are there? 5. There are two methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences, aren't there?
In England and Wales a private person may institute criminal proceedings. 1. May a private person in England and Wales institute criminal proceedings? 2. May a private person in England and Wales or France institute criminal proceedings? 3. Who may in England and Wales institute criminal proceedings. 4. What may a private person in England and Wales do? 5. In England and Wales a private person may institute criminal proceedings, mayn’t he?
2. Дизайнеры вносят различные усовершенствования в конструкцию локомотивов.
3. Электроника стала очень важной во всех отраслях промышленности.
4. Вчера вечером студенты проводили в лаборатории испытание новых устройств.
1. The train does not develop a speed of 130 kilometres per hour on some sections.
2. Are the designers making different improvements in the construction of the locomotives?
3. Did electronics become very important in all branches of industry?
4. The students were not testing new devices in the laboratory last evening.