№1 Consult the dictionary and make commonly used expressions with these words.
MODEL: a currency - to exchange currency
developing - developing countires
an effort- to make an effort
access-to access information
a phenomenon-a global phenomenon
a business-a business plan
global-the global financial crisis
bilingual-to be bilingual
common-common sense
№2 Consult the dictionary and from the required part of speech in each case. Write your own examples.
MODEL: tolerance - verb to tolerance. Tolerance is the quality I respect in people. My mother finds it hard to tolerante my music.
diversity- adjDiverse. HMV sell a diverse range of music.
compete- nouna_Competition. Yesterday I entered a competition to win £250 worth of M+S vouchers.
eficcient- nounEfficiency.Efficiency is the key to good customer service.
to achieve- nounan achievement___. Patrick Moore was best known for his achievements in the field of astrology.
trade- verbto trade. Afghanistan trades oil with America.
wealthy- nounWealth. The internet was awash with a wealth of information.
to argue- nounan argument. Tom and Sarah had an argument over what to watch on tv.
to solve-nouna solution. A solution to this problem will be hard to find.
a value-verbthe value . Many of us forget te value of kindness.
1 He said he had seen the man the day before
2 He said it had happened two days before
3 He said he had heard about it the previous Thursday
4 He said he would go there the following Sunday
5 He said he often went to the zoo
6 He said he had gone to the zoo three days before
7 He said he was at the zoo then
8 The teacher said Mozart had written...
9 The teacher said the children had written 41 test the previous year
10 The teacher said Shalyapin had lived in Moscow
11 The teacher said he had lived in Moscow ten years before
12 The teacher said Socrates had lived in Greece almost 2500 years before
3) the most tiring .
4) more comfortable
5) cheaper
6) more enjoyable
7) smaller