The flowers died because none of them watered.
2.Lunch was not prepared before we arrived.
3. We could not get on the plane because we left our passports at home.
4. The light was off because they forgot to pay for the electricity.
5. We were hungry because someone ate all the sandwiches.
6. The storm damaged the hotel, which was built a year ago.
7. The waitress brought in a salo, which no one ordered.
8. The cat was sleepy after being fed.
9. The windows were so dirty because they had not been washed.
10. I could not use my phone, it
1) Мы были в состоянии найти её дом, потому что я помнил её адрес.
2) Я забыл его номер телефона, но смог поговорить с ним.
3) Джилл могла играть в теннис достаточно хорошо (неплохо играла в теннис), когда ходила в школу.
4) Ричард был очень хорошим спортсменом. Он мог запросто выиграть любое соревнование.
1) We went to the store to buy ice cream, but, unfortunately, it was closed.
2) When James was in school, he was part of a local football team.
3) Aunt Sara was a very good singer. I heard that she sang in the opera house.