1- A pet shop, 2- a sweet shop, 3-a hardware store, 4- a travel agency, 5- a jeweller’s 6- a toy shop, 7- a dairy, 8- a butcher’s, 9- a newsagent, 10- a florist, 12- an optican’s, 13- a stationery, 14- a fishmonger, 15- a bakery, 16- a record shop, 17- a chemist, 18- a book shop, 19 – a shoe shop.
Ex. 6.
1-buy, 2- window, 3.-grocer’s, 4- baker’s, 5- butcher’s, 6- greengrocer’s, 7- shoe shop, 8- bookshop, 9- jeweller’s, 10- price, 11 – bill, 12- cash desk, 13- wraps up, 14- departments, 15- salesman, 16-goods, 17- self-service, 18- shoplifting
It was Saturday. Tom was free from school. He wanted to go to the river but he had to paint the fence around Aunt Polly’s house.
He started to paint but soon he was tired. Then he had an idea. When his friend Ben Rogers came, he was working with pleasure. There was a big smile on his face. Ben saw that Tom liked his job. He wanted to paint the fence, too. Tom let him do it and Ben gave him an apple.
Then Tom's friend Billy Fisher came and Tom let him paint the fence, too. By the afternoon, the fence was painted twice and Tom had many wonderful things.
Была суббота. Том был свободен от школы. Он хотел пойти к реке, но ему пришлось красить забор вокруг дома тети Полли.
Он начал красить, но вскоре устал. Затем у него появилась идея. Когда пришел его друг Бен Роджерс, Том работал с удовольствием. На его лице была большая улыбка. Бен увидел, что Тому нравилась его работа. Он захотел красить забор, тоже. Том позволил ему сделать это, и Бен дал Тому яблоко.
Потом пришел друг Тома, Билли Фишер и Том позволил ему покрасить забор, тоже. Ко второй половине дня, забор был окрашен на два раза, и у Тома было много замечательных вещей.
2. Ate
3. Drank
4. ...
5. Saw
6. Brought
7. Put
8. Invited