My favourite superhero is Wonder Woman. Her name is Diana. She is an Amazon who grew up on an island with no men.
Diana is a demi-goddess. When she grew up, she left her island to fight for justice in the world of people.
I like Wonder Woman because she is very strong, brave and fast and because she is merciful, compassionate and beautiful.
Мой любимый супергерой - Чудо-женщина. Ее зовут Диана. Она амазонка, выросшая на острове без мужчин.
Диана - полубогиня. Когда она выросла, то покинула свой остров, чтобы бороться за справедливость в мире людей.
Мне нравится Чудо-женщина, потому что она очень сильная, смелая и быстрая, и еще потому что она милосердная, сострадательная и красивая.
1. Laura has to walk to school або Laura doesn't have to walk to school
2. Laura has to wear a uniform
3. She doesn't have to eat at the canteen
4. She doesn't have to do her homework before she goes out
5. She doesn't have to help make dinner every evening
6. She doesn't have to stay at home on her school days