Fill in prepositions of place in, on, at. (Вставь предлоги места in, on, at.) 1. Turn left _ the traffic lights. 2. Did you hear the doorbell? There is somebody _ the door.
Леви Страус приехал в Америку из Германии. В 1858 году он прибыл в Сан-Франциско - крупный город в США. Он расположен в Калифорнии. Было много людей в Калифорнии, потому что они хотели найти золото и разбогатеть. Они много работали в поисках золота и много времени проводили в речной воде. Им были необходимы крепкие брюки. Леви Страус имел много крепкого материала. Он полагал, что из него можно построить палатки. Так он решил сделать специальные брюки из этого материала. Брюки получились прочные и людям они нравились. В один прекрасный день Страус продал все имеющиеся у него брюки. Но они были светлые и начинали очень быстро пачкаться. Тогда Страус решил сделать их голубыми. Сейчас люди во всем мире носят синие джинсы. Они полагают, что они очень хороши для работы и для путешествий, что они практичны.
Throughout history, humanity has tried to obtain a world in which one can live with enjoyment, equality, fairness, and happiness. Many great philosophers have created utopian societies for people to consider and explore. Not only have they been asked how politics work but mostly, how they should work. These philosophers have been concerned with the nature and justification of political obligation and authority and the goals of all political actions. Although their proposed ideas have differentiated, and numerous have been utopian in concept, they have all shared the same basic ideas and principles.Since every human dreams of a better life everyone's goal is to live in an ideal state, which is what religion refers to as heaven, and which is the best existence that can be obtained. Since it is impossible to experience the perfection of heaven while still alive, then it can be concluded that the ideal state will only come through the effort of humanity. Humanity should strive to make its own heaven, a heaven on earth, a utopia. Only a unified belief and effort by humans will achieve an ideal state, a heaven on earth, for everyone and everything. An ideal state can only be created if all of humanity seeks an ideal state together.First, Everyone would be born equal and if they are ambitious they will stay equal. Everyone in the society must feel as if they are worth something and know what their role is. There would be no pre determined social classes, what you get depends on how hard u work, if you work hard and are determined you will be at the top, if you don't work hard you will be at the bottom. Everyone is offered the same educational opportunities, free of finances.On an more individual level, people must work overcome the negative emotional tendencies of most humans. Hatred, jealously, prejudice and other negative thoughts must be controlled and will never control a person's actions.
1. Turn left on the traffic lights.
2. Did you hear the doorbell? There is somebody at the door.