A museum (from the Greek μουσεῖον - House of the Muses) is an institution that collects, studies, stores and displays objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities.
At first, this concept denoted a collection of objects (exhibits) in art and science, then, since the 18th century, it also includes the building where the exhibits are located. Scientific research work carried out in museums has joined since the 19th century. And since the sixties of the XX century, the pedagogical activity of museums began (special projects for children, adolescents and adults).
With the development of computer technology and the Internet, virtual museums have also appeared on CD-ROM or on the Internet.
In 1946 the international organization ICOM (International Council of Museums) was created to support and develop the activities of museums. This organization includes over 27,500 members from 115 countries of the world and works closely with UNESCO and other international organizations.
Начнём с того, что в Англии люди очень вежливые, они никогда не оскорбят Вас. Воспитание там на высшем уровне, они прививают своим детям уважение ко взрослым, с самого раннего детства. Также Обустройство собственного дома и сада - самое распространенное увлечение англичан. Все свое свободное время они уделяют улучшению и дальнейшему украшению жилища (примерно так же обстоит дело с автомобилем) и сада под окнами гостиной. Традиционной является также и любовь к животным. Англичане очень любят своих домашних питомцев, почти в каждом доме они есть. Национальными видами спорта по праву считаются гольф, крикет, теннис, конное поло и рыбная ловля. Англичане очень гордятся своим чистым английским языком (особенно в сравнении с американским) . Английский язык для англичан - не только средство отличать себя от иностранцев. Это еще и безошибочно определять, к какому классу общества принадлежит собеседник. Ну, и конечно, в Англии очень красиво! Это качается не только архитектуры, но и самой природы.
A museum (from the Greek μουσεῖον - House of the Muses) is an institution that collects, studies, stores and displays objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities.
At first, this concept denoted a collection of objects (exhibits) in art and science, then, since the 18th century, it also includes the building where the exhibits are located. Scientific research work carried out in museums has joined since the 19th century. And since the sixties of the XX century, the pedagogical activity of museums began (special projects for children, adolescents and adults).
With the development of computer technology and the Internet, virtual museums have also appeared on CD-ROM or on the Internet.
In 1946 the international organization ICOM (International Council of Museums) was created to support and develop the activities of museums. This organization includes over 27,500 members from 115 countries of the world and works closely with UNESCO and other international organizations.