выполнить контрольную по английскому
№ 1. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: I ... beautiful flowers to my teacher on the first of September last year. a) gave b) miss c) sell
1. What do you always ... on a Christmas tree before the celebration?
a) send b) put c) take
2. Has Nick ... the final of the swimming competition?
a) come b) reached c) chosen
3. Paul will ... his old friends again after the summer holidays.
a) meet b) bring c) play
4. Mathew ... part in motor racing competitions.
a) visits b) has c) takes
№ 2. Read the descriptions and write the words. All words are nouns.
Example: It is the most popular sports game in the world - football
1. It lives in the sea and has no bones. j
2. This creature has eight legs and swims very well. о
?. If it's dark you can use is to find the way. f
№ 3. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous
Dear Mike,
It's so great that your parents presented you with a new bike! You surely will have a lot of fun this summer. What about the weather? Is it good enough to drive? I am
at sea camp. Here the weather……..(1) (be) sunny and warm and the sun………(2)(shine).
I………. (3) (not / have) much time to answer, sorry. My friends and I…………(4) (not / play) volleyball now. There is a short break so I………..(5) (have) 5 minutes to answer your e-mail.
There are children from all over the world at the camp. They………(6) (learn) how to swim.
This year I…………(7) (develop) my swimming and diving skills.
The underwater world………..(8) (be) very beautiful and unusual here. Every day, I…….(9) (see) a lot of colorful fish and jellyfish.
Oh, I…….(10) (hear) the whistle of the referee. The game is beginning again!
Write me soon,
Best wishes,
1. The picture is drawn.
2. The door was closed.
3. The house is being stolen.
4. The bike was being repared.
5. The room has been cleaned.
6. The home work had been done.
7. The window will be broken.
8. The essay should be written.
Пасивний стан (Passive Voice) – це граматична категорія, яка вказує, що підмет (хто? що?) не виконує самостійно дію, зазначену в реченні, а відчуває цю дію на собі, тобто є об'єктом цієї дії. Той (те), над ким (чим) виконується дія, називається passive subject (пасивний суб'єкт, пасивний підмет).
Для утворення форми пасивного стану в стверджувальному реченні потрібен об'єкт, над яким виконується певна дія, допоміжне дієслово be в необхідній часовій формі та третя форма смислового дієслова (Past Participle).