Россия - великое государство! У нас очень красивая природа, бескрайние живописные просторы, огромные поля и бесконечные леса! Столицей России является Москва. Она знаменита своими достопримечательностями: Кремль, Красная площадь, Храм Христа Воскресенские ворота, Триумфальная арка, Третьяковская галерея, Манеж Пушкинский музей... Так же есть красивые города в России это: Санкт -Питербург, Казань, Екатеринбург, Калининград, Архангельск...Во многих городах сохранились исторические ценные культуры и архитектурные памятники. Продолжать можно долго перечисляя города и описывая их красоты. Я горжусь, что родился в России.
на английском:
Russia is a great state! We have a very beautiful nature, endless picturesque expanses, huge fields and endless forests! The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is famous for its sights: the Kremlin, Red Square, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Resurrection Gate, the Arc de Triomphe, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Manezh Pushkin Museum ... There are also beautiful cities in Russia: St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk. .. In many cities there are historical valuable cultures and architectural monuments. Continue can be a long listing of cities and describing their beauty. I am proud that I was born in Russia.
My school
I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much.
There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc. The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. I think that school years are very important for every person. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledges, and choosing your way in life. Often school friends remain your friends for all your life. So I’ll never forget my school, my teachers, and my classmates.
2. Are Sally and Ann going to cinema on Friday
Yes, they are.
3.Does she have a ballet lesson on Tuesday
Yes, she does.
4.Does she have lunch with her aunt on Thursday
No, she doesn’t
5.Is Sally and her mum going shopping on Monday
Yes, they are.