A dangerous situation
One day the weather in city was really hot and my friends and I decided to go hiking in the mountain. We've got everything ready to have fun. We started our small travel by climbing to the mountain. But it was very steep. However everyone could reach the top instead of me. I was tired and thirsty. I looked down and suddenly my head started spinning. I was frightened and the worst consequences came to my thoughts. My friends wanted to try to help me but they couldn't go down because of the steepness of the mountain. Then I pulled myself together and started climbing again. There were only cantimetres to reach the top and my friends extended their hand to me. Fortunately, I was saved and didn't fall from a huge height. I was shocked for a while. My friends were worried about me and were calming me down. I'll never forget this moment of my life.
1. What is FC Barcelona most famous for? (За что известен ФК "Барселона"?)
FC Barcelona is most famous for its football team. (ФК "Барселона" известен своей футбольной командой.)
2. When did Joan Gamper have the idea of starting a football club? (Когда у Жоана Гампера появилась идея создать футбольный клуб?)
Joan Gamper had the idea of starting a football team on 22 October 1899. (У Жоана Гампера появилась идея создать футбольный клуб 22 октября 1899 г.)
3. When did Barça win their first trophy? (Когда "Барса" выиграла первый трофей?)
Barça won thei first trophy in 1902. ("Барса" завоевала свой первый трофей в 1902 году.)
4. Who was Barça's manager in 1988? (Кто был менеджером "Барсы" в 1988 г.?)
Johan Cruyff was Barça's manager in 1988. (Йохан Кройф был менеджером "Барсы" в 1988 г.)
5. What did Barça achieve in 2009? (Чего добилась "Барса" в 2009 г.? )
Barça won the treble of La Liga, Copa del Rey and the UEFA Champions League in 2009. (В 2009 г. "Барса" выиграла треблы (требл - это победа клуба в трех турнирах в течение одного сезона): Ла Лига, Копа дель Рей и Лига чемпионов УЕФА.
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He wasn't open windows before classes