с английским Перед началом выполнения заданий еще раз внимательно прочитайте текст.
Exercise 1. Какого слова из каждой строчки вы не встретили в тексте7Вычеркните его.
a) Spain, Norway, Greece
b) Woodcutter, smith, tailor
c) Ugly, beautiful, pretty
d) King, princess, tzar
e) Mountain, sea, island.
Exercise 2. Определите верны или ложны данные утверждения
1. The king of Greece decided to marry off his daughter Sarah.
2. All the suitors saw that the princess was beautiful.
3. By and by Sarah’s moans turned into a song – a very happy and beautiful song.
4. There were large waves and the king was thrown onto a desert island.
Yen came back to Spain and told the king he wanted to marry his daughte