The most popular mass media in our family is TV. Programs are provided by (SunTV company). This company offers a lot of channels. My parents mostly watch talk shows and soap operas. I prefer programs about wildlife, animals and nature in general. We also watch news. Our TV company also offers a lot of channels with films. I can also watch English and American channels to improve my English. We often watch them, especially in the evening. Sometimes we listen to the radio, mostly in the car. They broadcast nice music, news and weather forecast every hour. The Internet is also very popular in our family. It is also provided by the same company. There I mostly play games and look for information for my lesson, In the Internet I also communicate with my friends.
Snow leopard - an animal of the cat family. However, it is not necessary to be sure that if a representative of the family, it's like any of the cats. Unlike precious snow leopard from the domestic cat is huge. In the snow leopard is also not very much in common with their relatives - leopards and jaguars. In short, we are about a special animal.
Snow leopards live in a very inaccessible mountains and is one of the proofs of their mind. While their relatives lived in Africa, suffering from intolerable heat, hunger and thirst, the ancestors of the leopards have decided to go to the north. Despite the severe snow conditions, the leopard was able to achieve significant progress, which can only reach the animal.
One of the amazing features of leopards is their mimicry. Take the horse, which does not change the expression of the muzzle. Another thing is the leopard. He looks at each situation differently: it is cute and fluffy, then a dangerous beast.
It is for this reason that people have not decided for themselves to which the animal is the snow leopard - to the evil and the good. That's right - neither the one nor the other, as the leopard lives alone. The snow leopard lives in the mountains, and he had no enemies. Bars represents the pinnacle of evolution in the habitat. But such results are rarely seeking animals. Even lions have a terrible lot of enemies, so they survive, stumbling in the pack.
Barca does not need to pack. He hunts and lives alone.
Snow leopard - one of the most powerful predators, because he can do away with the animal, which is heavier than it three times. Leopard hunting, mainly for mountain goats.
Irbis has no enemies and is not surrounded by relatives, so he hunts especially. Bars are not just scour the mountains, hoping to grab anything and waiting for dogs, and then attacked, naprygivaya suddenly, like a snow ninja.
Another interesting point - like the snow leopard has in his home. He is not like other animals, does not seek to quickly swallow prey. No, he simply kills any goat, and then carries it slowly into the lair. The road over the rocks is very difficult, especially when in the teeth of a heavy carcass, so the leopard and in no hurry. Despite all the difficulties, he prefers to bring food home to enjoy a quiet meal in a few days. The cold and snow do not give meat to deteriorate, so the leopard is always fresh and tasty food.
Physical parameters as the snow leopard is a very special animal. So he gradually made the harsh environment around. Animals folded literally from the muscles, which gives him a lightning speed and agility, so he is so good to live in the mountains.
Furthermore, leopard able to jump up to 10 meters, which is the height of three floors. And interestingly, can successfully and intelligently to land, all of it in the mountains, where any spike poses an imminent death.
Physical strength does leopard aggressive animals. For no reason, he does not kill. Cases of attacks on humans are rare. Bars quietly retire rather than attacking aimlessly.
In the mountains, the snow leopard - is the foundation of nature. Leopards live 10-12 years, but if the animal disappears - will be finished with the whole ecosystem.
We should learn a lot from leopards, watching their silent tranquility, the ability to make lightning-quick decisions, and simply admiring their beauty.