Предложения в утвердительной форме. 1)Peter is washing his cat now. 2)Children are playing football. 3)Vicky is watching TV right now. 4)I am reading a novel at the moment. 5)They're dancing now. 6)You're going to school at the moment. 7)We are waiting for our friends. 8)Ben and Jessica are doing their homework. 9)Steve and I are playing computer games right now. 10)He is listening to music. Отрицательная форма этих предложений. 1)Peter isn't washing his cat now. 2)Children aren't playing football. 3)Vicky isn't watching TV now. 4)I am not reading a novel at the moment. 5) They aren’t dancing now. 6)You’re not going to school at the moment. 7)We aren’t waiting for our friends. 8)Ben and Jessica aren’t doing their homework. 9)Steve and I aren’t playing computer games right now. 10)He isn’t listening to music. Вопросы к этим предложениям.Все вопросы, представленные ниже относятся к общим вопросам (с do и does).Остальные типы вопросов изучаются в старших классах. 1)Is Peter washing his cat now? 2)Are children playing football? 3)Is Vicky watching TV now? 4)Am I reading a novel at the moment? 5)Are they dancing now? 6)Are you going to school at the moment? 7)Are we waiting for our friends? 8)Are Ben and Jessica doing their homework? 9)Are Steve and I playing computer games right now? 10)Is he listening to music?
I really like Jack London. His stories about dogs, wolves are very exciting. I guess I just really love animals. I especially like it when the author writes about animal minds. It describes their reaction to what a thing. I especially navitsya Call of the Wild and White Fang of his books.
Мне очень нравится Джек Лондон. Его рассказы о собаках, волках очень увлекательны. Наверно я просто очень люблю животных. Особенно мне нравится когда автор пишет о мыслях зверей. Описывает их реакцию на какие либо вещи. Особенно мне нравится Зов предков и Белый клык из его книг.
1)What is your name?
My name is Sophie (подставляем своё имя)
2)How old are you?
I'm fourteenth(подставляем свой возраст) years old