Sam and Tom saw a strange spacecraft.
They went inside the spacecraft and flew into space.
When they landed on Mars and saw an alien sports
competition. Sam and Tom went to the stadium. There
were alien Olympics!
Tom and Sam decided to compete with the aliens.
Tom became a runner and Sam became a swimmer. Tom
and Samwon gold, silver and bronze medals for running
and swimming
The first Alien-Human Olympic Games were a big
success. Tom and Sam had a wonderful time on the
planet. They got back into the spacecraft and blasted off.
It took them eight hours to get home.
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i live in ukraine. ukraine is a sovereign state. it has its own territory, government, national emblem, state flag and anthem. kiev is the capital of ukraine.the official language of the country is ukrainian. ukraine washed by the black sea and the sea of azov. the major rivers are the dnieper, the dniester, the donets and others. the biggest cities are kyiv, kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk , odesa, lviv, mykolaiv and others.
я живу в украине. украина суверенное государство. у нее есть своя территория, правительство, государственный герб, государственный флаг и гимн. столица украины киев . официальным языком в стране является украинский. украина омывается черного моря и азовского моря. главные реки-днепр, днестр, донец и другие самыми большими являются киев, харьков, днепропетровск, одесса, львов, николаев и другие.