Socrates was Greek,
There weren't a lot of people in the supermarket.
Apollo wasn't born in Athens.
You were my best friend.
I was a strong baby.
There was a cat on the bed.
Запомните: Is, Is not — Was; Are, Are not — Were, Am — Was. Socrates is Greek. — В данном случае настоящее время определяется смысловым глаголом is (формой глагола to be). Для того, чтобы изменить время, необходимо изменить форму смыслового глагола на was: Socrates was Greek.There aren't a lot of people in the supermarket. — То же самое: смысловой глагол are (с отрицательной частицей not) является формой глагола to be для множественного числа. Меняем are на were(с частицей not): There weren't a lot of people in the supermarket. Apollo isn't born in Athens. — Isn't с частицей изменяем на wasn't (причём born не трогаем, это не глагол): Apollo wasn't born in Athens.You are my best friend. — are меняем на were: You were my best friend.I'm a strong baby. — Форма глагола to be, выраженная am, характера только для первого лица единственного числа, то есть I. Аналогично, am изменяется на was: I was a strong baby.There is a cat on the bed. — Смысловой глагол is меняем на was: There was a cat on the bed.1) A: It takes him ten minutes to get to work.
B: I know. His house is far from the office.
2) A: Isn't your son an actor?
B: Yes, but at the moment he is working in a restaurant.
3) A: What is all that noise? I'm trying to work!
B: I am playing with the children.
4) A: What do you know about the new software program?
B: The new software program? Absolutely nothing.
5) A: Why are you wearing that jacket in the office? It's really warm!
B: Because l'm cold!
6) A: Would you like some beef?
B: No, thanks. I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian.
7) A: Why are you standing there?
B: I am waiting for a taxi.
В пятом не совсем уверен, можно ли там вставить are, грамматически все правильно, но вдруг формы be можно использовать всего один раз.
Дональд Трамп или До́нальд Джон Трамп