1. he said that he hadn't understood the meaning of the film
2. he said that he would help me to repair my car the next day
3. she said to me that I could come to her if I had some problems
4. she said that she saw the film I had recommended the previous night
5. she said that she was going to Spain the following week
6. he said that she didn't understand him.
7. she said that she would invite more people, if she had a bigger flat
8. he said that he would not repeat that again
9. she said that she was afraid she didn't come
10. she said that she had seen him the previous day , but he hasn't recognized him.
11. my sister said tome that she had her English lesson that day
12. Jill said to me that she hadn't crying when I had phoned her
13. my friend said to me that they were going to the disco
14. the doctor said to me that Beer would not be good to my health
15. they said that they had been married four years
16. John said that they had never tasted anything so tasty
17. They boy said that he was very hungry and added that he wanted to eat something at that moment
18. He said that the machine wasn't good, but that one was perfect
19. David said that he had heard about it before
20. My friend said that He hadn't join them in the bar
11. Мать спросила: "Возьми свой зонтик!" 12. Дети сказали: "Не выключайте компьютер!" 13. - Дайте мне ручку " возьми меня с собой!" 15. Мама попросила: "не опаздывай в театр. "
11. - Я его не слушала, - сказала Хелен. " 12. - Мы летим в Китай, - сказала Джейн. " 13. - Вчера утром мы сдавали экзамен по математике, - сказала Джин. " 14. - Мой сын работает в библиотеке, - сказала мать. " 15. Сэм сказал Борису: "вчера было ветрено. "
11. Он спросил: "Вы обычно завтракаете?" 12. Мама спросила: "Ты уже починил свою машину?" 13. Он спросил Питера: "ты играл в футбол в воскресенье?" 14. Фред спросил Джейн: "ты ответила на его письмо?" 15. Мой брат спросил меня: "ты пойдешь в кино?"
11 Она спрашивает 《Сколько тебе лет》
12 Хелен спрашивает меня 《》
11. Она спросила: "сколько тебе лет?'
12. Хелен спросила меня: "когда ты был там
последний раз в кино?"
13. Мальчик спросил у матери: "когда же это будет
вы пришли с работы?"
14. Он спросил Мэри: "сколько у тебя друзей
а у тебя есть?"
15. Я спросил Ника: "А какого цвета твои волосы?"
My girlfriend was sick for a long time and missed a lot of classes at the institute. But we hope that she will catch up with the group. Everyone believes that she is a capable student. I think that, in addition, she is very hardworking. Of course, no one has to make her work. Every day I see that she is engaged in the reading room. I love when she talks about her activities in the evenings. It is already felt that she is making progress. I want her to become one of the best students in our group.