Выполните письменно тестовое задание .
1) Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Future Simple письменно. 2) Перевести текст на русский язык письменно.
1. I want to get a medical check up.
2. I (to go) to the doctor tomorrow.
3. He ( to give) me a complete examination.
4. The nurse ( lead) me into one of the examination rooms ( смотровой кабинет)
5.The doctor ( to take) my pulse .
6. Then he ( to take) my blood pressure.
7. Then he ( to take) some blood for a blood analysis.
8. He ( examine) my eyes , ears, nose and throat.
9. The doctor ( to listen) to my heart with a stethoscope.
10. Then he ( to take) a chest X -ray and ( to do) a cardiogram.
11. After the check up I ( to go) home and ( to wait) for the doctor's call.
12. The doctor ( to call) tomorrow afternoon and ( to say) to me : " Stop worrying! Your health is excellent " He is a very good doctor.
1) Where is the ecological situation not very safe?
2) Pollution in some industrial towns is high, isn't it?
3) When were some parts of western Russia badly influenced by radiation from Chernobyl?
4) Where is wildlife in danger?
5) What are more and more people beginning to realize?
6) What education has found its way to schools?
1) What is the greatest Russian love?
2) Is Russian tea drunk without or with milk?
3) What is tea often served with?
4) Russian-style tea is a special ceremony, isn't it?
5) Where is a samovar usually placed?
6) Do people drink hot strong tea with a slice of lemon from cups or from glasses in glassholders?
1) What do foreign tourists usually buy in Russia?
2) What are traditional Russian souvenirs?
3) Where are Matryoshka dolls, beautifully painted mugs, plates and spoons made?
4) What souvenirs do those who have more money buy?
5) Some tourists are more interested in badges, T-shirts and Russian ushanka-hats, arent they?
1) What sre the main dishes of the traditional menu?
2) Are blini (pancakes) served with honey, caviar or sour cream?
3) What are the favourite soups in Russia?
4) What are pelmyeni served with?
5) What bread do Russian people eat with nearly every meal?
1) Many Russians are religious people, aren't they?
2) What is the main church in Russia?
3) Has the Russian Orthodox Church survived during the hard times?
4) What shows a rebirth of religion in the country?
5) Do people in Russia belong to the Orthodox Church.