10 c
11 b
12 а
Marty McFly, 0) a teenager, is one of the main characters in the film “Back to the Future”.
He 1) travels accidentally into the 1950-s where he sees his young parents. He has to arrange their meeting. Dr. Brown, the inventor of the time machine, helps Marty go back to the future.
The story 2) takes place in the town of Hill Valley, California. Everything is different in the 1950s and in the 1980s. People 3) wear different clothes, they listen to different music, they have different manners of speaking. The plot is exciting. The music perfectly 4) matches the film.
All the 5) actors are great, especially Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd who 6) play the two main characters Marty and Dr. Brown. They add a lot of 7) fun, humour and joy to the film.
'Back to the Future' is one of the best entertaining 8) movies about travelling in time, maybe because it doesn’t go into scientific details and it combines elements of both 9) science fiction and a 10) comedy.
Марти Макфлай, 0) подросток, — один из главных героев фильма «Назад в будущее».
Он случайно 1) попадает в 1950-е, где видит своих молодых родителей. Он должен организовать их встречу. Доктор Браун, изобретатель машины времени Марти вернуться в будущее.
История 2) происходит в городке Хилл-Вэлли, штат Калифорния. В 1950-х и 1980-х все по-другому. Люди 3) носят другую одежду, слушают другую музыку, говорят иначе. Сюжет захватывает. Музыка идеально 4) соответствует фильму.
Все 5) актеры великолепны, особенно Майкл Дж. Фокс и Кристофер Ллойд, которые 6) играют двух главных героев - Марти и доктора Брауна. Они добавляют много 7) веселья, юмора и радости в фильм.
«Назад в будущее» — один из лучших развлекательных 8) фильмов о путешествиях во времени, может быть потому, что он не вдаётся в научные подробности и сочетает в себе элементы как 9) научной фантастики, так и 10) комедии.
Marty McFly, 0) a teenager, is one of the main characters in the film “Back to the Future”.
He 1) travels accidentally into the 1950-s where he sees his young parents. He has to arrange their meeting. Dr. Brown, the inventor of the time machine, helps Marty go back to the future.
The story 2) takes place in the town of Hill Valley, California. Everything is different in the 1950s and in the 1980s. People 3) wear different clothes, they listen to different music, they have different manners of speaking. The plot is exciting. The music perfectly 4) matches the film.
All the 5) actors are great, especially Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd who 6) play the two main characters Marty and Dr. Brown. They add a lot of 7) fun, humour and joy to the film.
'Back to the Future' is one of the best entertaining 8) movies about travelling in time, maybe because it doesn’t go into scientific details and it combines elements of both 9) science fiction and a 10) comedy.
1. Marty McFly meets his parents in the past. – True
2. Dr. Brown is the inventor of the time machine. – True.
3. Hill Valley is a town in Georgia. – False. It's in California.
4. Life is different in the 1950s and in the 1980s. – True
5. The plot is boring. – False. The plot is exciting.
6. Daniel Radcliffe plays the role of Marty. – False. The role of Marty is played by Michael J. Fox.
7. The film is funny. – True.
8. “Back to the Future” is one of the best entertaining films about travelling in time. – True.
1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5c, 6 a, 7 b, 8 b, 9 c, 10 c, 11 b, 12 a.