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Переведите корректно (не как в переводчике). выбор профессии в наше время важное направление. для кого-то это призвание, для кого-то просто работа. я работаю кредитным специалистом. работать пошла по профессии после техникума отучившись по специальности «финансист». кредитный специалист занимается оформлением и выдачей кредитов. я привлекаю клиентов, им разобраться в тонкостях кредитования и воспользоваться займом. по сути, я— продавец денег. профессия кредитного специалиста весьма востребована на рынке труда. специалисты по кредитам совершению покупок здесь и сейчас, тем самым приносят прибыль банкам и магазинам. профессии кредитного специалиста началась вместе появлением денег как таковых, ибо тогда же люди начали брать деньги в долг. современное понимание должности стало формироваться в середине xviii века, когда появились первые банки. кредитные консультанты — это, как правило, работники банков, хотя встретить их можно и в автосалоне, и в агентстве недвижимости, и в обычном торговом центре. обычно они специализируются по займов — потребительские, ипотечные, автокредиты или кредиты для бизнеса.я работаю в торговом цетре в городе москва. мои должностные обязанности таковы: 1.консультирование клиентов по финансовым вопросам; 2.подбор оптимальной кредитной программы; 3.расчет суммы кредита и платежей для его погашения; 4.заключение договоров; 5.ведение документации и отчетности. совершенно очевидно, что сегодня кредитный специалист востребован. моя работа во многом определяет успешное осуществление кредитных программ в работе с потенциальными заёмщиками.


Choosing a profession in our time is a very important direction. For some it's a calling, for others it's just work.  

I work as a credit specialist. Went to work in the profession after College after studying at the speciality "financier". Credit specialist is engaged in registration and issuance of loans. I attract clients, help them understand the intricacies of lending and convince them to use the loan. I'm basically a money man.

The profession of a credit specialist is very popular in the labor market. Credit specialists help to make purchases here and now, thereby bringing profit to banks and shops.

The history of the profession of credit specialist began with the appearance of money as such, because at the same time people began to borrow money. The modern understanding of the position began to form in the middle of the XVIII century, when the first banks appeared.

Credit consultants are, as a rule, employees of banks, although they can be found in the showroom, and in the real estate Agency, and in the usual shopping center. They usually specialize in types of loans — consumer, mortgage, car loans or loans for business.I work in a trade center in Moscow.

My job duties are as follows:

1.advising clients on financial issues;

2.selection of the optimal credit program;

3.calculation of the loan amount and payments for its repayment;

4.conclusion of contracts;

5.record keeping and reporting.

It is obvious that today the loan officer is in demand. My work largely determines the successful implementation of credit programs in working with potential borrowers.


4,4(19 оценок)
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1. an apple, a year, SMS, a house, universe, my life, one apple, a lot of apples, an idea, no idea, water,  well, money, some boys

 2. One day a man was walking in the park and met an elephant. He didn’t know what to do with him. And took him to a policeman. The policeman said: “Take him to the Zoo”. The man did as the policeman had told him. Next day the policeman saw the man again. The man still had the elephant. “Why didn’t you take him to the Zoo?” asked the policeman. “I did “. “Now I’m taking him to the cinema.” said the man, “and he liked it very much”.

Однажды один человек шел в парк и встретил слона. Он не знал, что с ним делать. И взял его к полицейскому. Полицейский сказал: “возьми его в зоопарк”. И человек сделал так, как полицейский сказал ему. На следующий день полицейский увидел человека снова. Мужчина по-прежнему был со слоном. “Почему ты не взял его в зоопарк?” - спросил милиционер. “Я взял “. “Теперь я беру его в кино.” сказал человек, - и ему это очень понравилось”.  

3. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147. Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy has led troops to a victory in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380. By the 15th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg.In 1755 the Moscow university was founded. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of the new revolutionary Russia. Moscow metro began its work in 1935.

ответы на вопросы: Moscow was founded in 1147. Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy led the Russian troops to a victory in the battle of Kulikovo field. The battle of Kulikovo field was in 1380. Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. In 1918  Moscow became the capital of revolutionary Russia. The heroic battle against Hitler’s troops was in 1941

предложения: Moscow is the capital of Russia. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. The battle of Kulikovo field was in 1380. In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg. In 1918 Moscow became a capital of the new revolutionary Russia. Moscow metro began its work in 1935. In 1941 there was the heroic battle against Hitler’s troops
4,5(63 оценок)
1. an apple, a year, SMS, a house, universe, my life, one apple, a lot of apples, an idea, no idea, water,  well, money, some boys

 2. One day a man was walking in the park and met an elephant. He didn’t know what to do with him. And took him to a policeman. The policeman said: “Take him to the Zoo”. The man did as the policeman had told him. Next day the policeman saw the man again. The man still had the elephant. “Why didn’t you take him to the Zoo?” asked the policeman. “I did “. “Now I’m taking him to the cinema.” said the man, “and he liked it very much”.

Однажды один человек шел в парк и встретил слона. Он не знал, что с ним делать. И взял его к полицейскому. Полицейский сказал: “возьми его в зоопарк”. И человек сделал так, как полицейский сказал ему. На следующий день полицейский увидел человека снова. Мужчина по-прежнему был со слоном. “Почему ты не взял его в зоопарк?” - спросил милиционер. “Я взял “. “Теперь я беру его в кино.” сказал человек, - и ему это очень понравилось”.  

3. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147. Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy has led troops to a victory in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380. By the 15th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg.In 1755 the Moscow university was founded. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of the new revolutionary Russia. Moscow metro began its work in 1935.

ответы на вопросы: Moscow was founded in 1147. Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy led the Russian troops to a victory in the battle of Kulikovo field. The battle of Kulikovo field was in 1380. Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712. In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. In 1918  Moscow became the capital of revolutionary Russia. The heroic battle against Hitler’s troops was in 1941

предложения: Moscow is the capital of Russia. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. The battle of Kulikovo field was in 1380. In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg. In 1918 Moscow became a capital of the new revolutionary Russia. Moscow metro began its work in 1935. In 1941 there was the heroic battle against Hitler’s troops
4,7(79 оценок)
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