today watching TV - the most popular kind of leisure activities for children . some parents allow their children to spend at Screen countless hours , to digress a little and relax. And I have a question : "Why do people so much watching TV ? what satisfaction they get from this ? "
At first I Select all pluses .
1) Front of the TV people looseness , sociable, are in good mood.
2) Telecast cognitive nature broadens the mind . For example, with TV, you can explore nature ;
3) They allow you to have fun, avoid boredom, to forget about problems and worries ;
4) Thanks to television shows , we always course of events in time obtain information and various tips ;
But the TV has its disadvantages :
review TV affects the emotional the human condition .
when viewing TV programs for children very quickly occurs nervous excitement system , there is an unnecessary burden mentality and vision , fatigue and phobias even appearance , particularly if TV genre is not controlled adults.
TV deprives a child of necessary mobile outdoor games , the development of various forms of creativity .
high risk toddler care in an imaginary world , because child takes all shown in television , for reality.
what to do?
parent he must submit the child positive Example . not should put a TV in the child komnate.Ne recommended to turn on the TV while receiving pischi.No optimal solution to this situation - is to set a limit on the preview TV for kids, based on their age.
В нашей жизни были и будут кумиры. Люди, которые для нас являюся эталонами идеального человека, счастливой успешной личности. Таким примером для меня является моя мама. Мама работает переводчиком в известной фирме. как личность, мама целеустремленная,с твердым характером, без вредных привычек. начальство очень ценит и дорожит ей. ОНа часто рассказывает мне о своей работе, о том как это сложно, быть переводчиком, о том как интересна эта работа... А интересна эта профессия тем, что с каждым днём знакомишься с новыми людьми, узнаешь для себя что-то новое. Мама очень сильный человек не физически, а морально. Она устойчива к любым капризам судьбы,для меня мама эталон идеального человека, любящим и оберегающим своих родных и близких. В будущем я хочу пойти по стопам мамы-стать переводчиком. Я стараюсь быть похожей на неё, ведь она человек, которым я горжусь!
watching TV - the most popular
kind of leisure activities for children . some parents
allow their children to spend at
Screen countless hours ,
to digress a little and relax.
And I have a question : "Why do people
so much watching TV ? what
satisfaction they get from this ? "
At first I
Select all pluses .
Front of the TV people looseness ,
sociable, are in good
Telecast cognitive nature
broadens the mind . For example, with
TV, you can explore nature ;
They allow you to have fun, avoid
boredom, to forget about problems and
worries ;
Thanks to television shows , we always
course of events in time obtain information
and various tips ;
But the TV
has its disadvantages :
TV affects the emotional
the human condition .
when viewing
TV programs for children very quickly
occurs nervous excitement
system , there is an unnecessary burden
mentality and vision , fatigue and
phobias even appearance , particularly if
TV genre is not controlled
deprives a child of necessary mobile
outdoor games , the development of various
forms of creativity .
high risk
toddler care in an imaginary world , because
child takes all shown in
television , for reality.
to do?
he must submit the child positive
Example .
should put a TV in the child
komnate.Ne recommended to turn on the TV
while receiving pischi.No
optimal solution to this situation -
is to set a limit on the preview
TV for kids, based on their