My summer holidays were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. In June, together with classmates, we went to a camp. I liked the camp very much. We played sports games, competed in various sports, took part in various competitions. In the evenings, we went to the disco. I enjoyed discos as I like music and dancing. I made a lot of new friends. When I returned home after the camp, together with my parents we went to the sea. We stayed in a nice hotel. I really liked that place. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive. I also visited the water park, made trips on a motor ship, and rode horses. My rest by the sea was unforgettable.In August, I went to the country to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village where my grandparents live and we spent time together. We went swimming and fishing.
Write True or False.
1. He went to a camp with his parents. _[1]
2. There were not sport competitions. [1]
3. After the camp he went to his grandparents. [1]
4. He and his parents stayed at their friends. [1]
5. His grandparents live in village. [1]
6. He went swimming and fishing in village. [1]
Explanation: In present simple tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb requires the addition of 's' or 'es' at the end.
2. The plane takes off at 07:00 a.m. and lands at 11:00 a.m. (a) - takes off, lands.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb (take off, land) for regular actions or routines.
3. What is your opinion about this new article? (c) - is.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'be' (am, is, are) when talking about opinions or characteristics.
4. You are very allergic. Why don't you eat so much chocolate? (b) - do.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'do' (do, does) to form questions and negatives.
5. Every year Sally meets her classmates at the party on October 31. (b) - meets.
Explanation: In present simple tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb requires the addition of 's' or 'es' at the end.
6. Paula works very hard. She is a great specialist. (c) - works.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb (work) for regular actions or routines.
7. Uh! You always cook spaghetti. Can you cook something else? (c) - cook.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb (cook) for regular actions or routines.
8. My teacher often uses a computer during our lesson. (a) - uses.
Explanation: In present simple tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb requires the addition of 's' or 'es' at the end.
9. Sometimes we organize weddings and anniversaries. (b) - organize.
Explanation: In present simple tense, the base form of the verb (organize) is used for plural subjects.
10. Do you see each other every day? (c) - do.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'do' (do, does) to form questions and negatives.
11. Our new neighbor doesn’t speak Russian. He speaks Greek. (a) - doesn’t speak, speaks.
Explanation: In present simple tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb requires the addition of 's' or 'es' at the end.
12. Does your friend repair his car twice a year? (a) - does.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'do' (do, does) to form questions and negatives.
13. When is his birthday? (c) - is.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'be' (am, is, are) to talk about dates or facts.
14. The Earth moves round the Sun. (a) - moves.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb (move) for regular actions or routines.
15. Do they have a discount card? I want to buy some goods. (b) - are.
Explanation: In present simple tense, we use the base form of the verb 'be' (am, is, are) to form questions and negatives.