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I. Choose the right variant – выбери нужный вариант

1. A lot of houses …………… in the city every year.
a) is build b) are build c) are built

2. Did you go to the museum last Thursday? - ……..
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. d) Yes, I did.

3. Mary and John ……. to the music at the moment.
a) were listening b) are listening c) have listened

4. I………………………. this book yet.
a) don’t read b) haven’t read c) am not reading

5. The wood ………………. into small pieces
a) are cut b) cut c) is cut

6. My best friend person is ……………………. in the class.
a) funny b) the funniest c) funnier

7. That was……………film I have ever seen.
a) worst b) the badest c) the worst

8. She works………………………….the others.
a) carefully b) more carefully c) the most carefully

9. Could you speak a bite……………….., please?
a) more slowlier b) slowlier c) more slowly

10. She plays the piano……………………… .
a) well b)good c) the best

11. She is professional writer and she write…………………….. .
a) wonderful b) wonderfully c) most wonderfully

12. She is the…………….. pupil in the class.
a) best b) good c) better

13. He is ………………at playing the violin than his brother.
a) better b) good c) best
14. He runs ……………….. .
a) fastly b) fast c) faster

15. I’ve got a brother………………………… can rely on.
a) who b) which c)that

16. Friendship is a feeling ……… can last forever.
a) which b)who c) that

17. My friend is a person ……………. is always there for me.
a) who b) that c) which

2. Прочитайте тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18- 21 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
A sly companion

A baker used to buy butter from a local farmer. Once he 18 THINK
that the bricks of butter weighed less than a pound.
It meant that the farmer lied to 19 . He was right, HE
because the bricks weren’t really full pounds.
The farmer 20 and brought to court. The judge asked ARREST
The farmer if he had scales.
His answer was « No, Your Honour».
«Then how is it possible to weight the butter you make and sell? »
The poor farmer said, You Honour, we’d 21 WELL
ask the baker, because I have balances and use his one- pound loaf to
check the weight».

Cumbria (1)
Cumbria is a country in England. It is the very north- western part
of England on the border with Scotland. The 22 IMPORTANT
and biggest town is Carlisle, in the north of the country.
This is the country town and there 23 a very old castle BE
in the centre of the town.
Cumbria is very popular with people who enjoy 24 , WALK
although the weather is often bad there. It often rains and it is cold.
Many 25 from Japan like to visit Cumbria. PERSON

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My favourite book is the Harry Potter series by the British writter J.K. Rowling. There are seven books in it which were made into eight films. The series combines such genres as drama, mystery, thriller, adventure, horror and romance. According to the author, the main theme of the books is death though I think the books are about growing up and true friendship.

The books tell a story of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main conflict in the books is Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who killed Harry's parents. The main action of the series takes place in Britain. We learn about the world of wizards who live among Muggles. There are a lot of characters in the books and some of them are really unforgettable. My favourite characters are Harry and Hermione but I also like Professor Albus Dumbledore.

The series became very popular all over the world. I read the Russian translation of all the seven books a few years ago and now I am reading the series in English. I am a big fan of this series and love all the books very much.

Моя любимая книга - это серия книг о Гарри Поттере британской писательницы Дж. К. Роулинг. В серии семь книг, по которым были сняты восемь фильмов. Серия сочетает в себе такие жанры, как драма, детектив, триллер, приключения, ужасы и романтика. По словам автора, главная тема книг - смерть, хотя я думаю, что книги о взрослении и настоящей дружбе.

Книги рассказывают историю о юном волшебнике Гарри Поттере и его друзьях Гермионе Грейнджер и Роне Уизли, которые являются студентами Школы чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс. Главный конфликт в книгах - борьба Гарри против лорда Волан-де-Морта, темного волшебника, который убил родителей Гарри. Основное действие книг разворачивается в Британии. Мы узнаем о мире волшебников, которые живут среди магглов. В книгах много персонажей, и некоторые из них действительно незабываемы. Мои любимые герои - это Гарри и Гермиона, но мне также нравится профессор Альбус Дамблдор.

Серия стала очень популярной во всем мире. Я прочитал(а) перевод всех семи книг на русский несколько лет назад, и теперь я читаю серию на английском. Я фанат этой серии и очень люблю все книги.


4,8(56 оценок)

I have a favorite book that I can reread many times. This book is "The Little Prince". It was written by the French writer Antoine de Saint - Exupery. He writes about the eternal problems of humanity, about those qualities that prevent people from living: indifference, callousness, greed, selfishness.

The plot is based on the memories of a pilot who found himself in the desert due to a plane crash. Soon he meets a boy who has flown in from a tiny planet, the Little Prince. Traveling the planets, this boy meets a beautiful, mysterious, but at the same time capricious Rose. He cares for her, but then leaves her, as the prince was tired of enduring her whims, although he loved her very much.

Thanks to the next meeting, the boy learns what friendship is. The snake will lead the protagonist to understand the importance of love, friendship, purity of the soul. The boy meets many adults who consider themselves important on their planet, but in fact they are nothing. Each of them does not see the terrible misfortune that surrounds them. After reading the book for the first time, I did not understand what the author wanted to convey to us, returning again, I pondered the main idea for a long time and realized: kindness, a pure soul, humanity, openness are the most important qualities of a person, this is what should be appreciated in people.

4,5(76 оценок)
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