WRITING Task 2. Look at the pictures about Mike's holiday. Make up a dialogue. Ask 4 questions to get information about Mike's holiday and answer them according to the pictures. Use Past Simple only. You can use the expressions below.
London is the capital of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Many people work in the city but very few live there.
There are situated 2 places of interest: the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. The Tower is a really ancient building. It has some interesting traditions, for example, to keep black ravens on its territory.
St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous and beautiful cathedrals in the country and it has an enormous dome and the clock tower.
The National Gallery and a Trafalgar Square are the geographical centre of London and very popular places for tourists. The world-famous Gallery has the largest collection of paintings in the UK.
The Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament is situated near Trafalgar Square and has 3 towers. Also, there are some gardens around this building.
Лето я провел хорошо. Я ездил на море и отдыхал с друзьями. А так же я помагал бабушке на огороде. Я очень трудолюбивый, поэтому с радостью помагаю своей любимой бабушке. За лето я так же научился стрелять из лука. Меня это привлекло и затянуло. А ещё я наконец то научился играть в валейбол. И теперь часто его играю с друзьями. Мне это нравиться! Я обажаю лето. Это самое моё д.юимое время года. Потому что летом можно купаться, отдыхать и ходить в майках с шортами. В вобщем: Лето - это прекрасно!
London is the capital of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Many people work in the city but very few live there.
There are situated 2 places of interest: the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. The Tower is a really ancient building. It has some interesting traditions, for example, to keep black ravens on its territory.
St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous and beautiful cathedrals in the country and it has an enormous dome and the clock tower.
The National Gallery and a Trafalgar Square are the geographical centre of London and very popular places for tourists. The world-famous Gallery has the largest collection of paintings in the UK.
The Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament is situated near Trafalgar Square and has 3 towers. Also, there are some gardens around this building.