2 Watch this film if you have time off (free time , без разницы)
3 Please phone him at 7 o'clock in the evening
4 What language will she speak?
5 I will read this book next week
6 We will meet with him tomorrow
7 Where will you go in summer?
8 I am sure you will understand everything if you listen to your teacher attentively
9 I won't see her if she return in July
10 They will be here in an hour it the train isn't late
Кроме обычных конструкций здесь есть еще 2 примечательные вещи: Предложения в повелительном наклонении и условные. Повелительное наклонение начинается с инфинитива ( то есть глагол, который дается в задании без окончаний или частички to) Например Иди к доске-Go to the blackboard
Подчиненные предложения времени и условия сложнее в образовании. Нужно найти главное и подчиненное предложение. Главное всегда употребляется во Future Simple, а подчиненное-в Present Simple. Например Мы покатаемся на лыжах, если погода будет хорошей. Мы покатаемся на лыжах (при каком условии?) если погода будет хорошей. Значит покатаемся-в будущем, будет хорошей- в настоящем. Получаем We will ski if the weather is fine
It was an interesting summer. If the first month did not differ from the previous summer vacation, I was in the city, then the next two months were the most memorable for me, I went to aunt in the village. Namely, with days spent in the village, I relate the most interesting events and vivid impressions of my summer. In the village the time goes slowly and hesitantly, not like in big cities. It seems that a whole month has passed, but in reality it's only been one week. Usually I help my aunt in the garden, but her morning begins before mine. We have a village far from the village and the water from the tap is unheard of luxury, so I take two old iron buckets and go through three houses to the well. The well water is incredibly clean and very cold. Sometimes you have to do something around the house, but as soon as the first opportunity, I swing over the fence and run to friends. In the village of my good friends. Together we spend almost all the time. On the hottest days we can sit for hours on the river Bank. Swim, frolic and see off the views of passing barges. Somehow I got from my aunt because I missed lunch, and actually I was not hungry. The fact that my friend Pasha brought from uncle Sergei whole package of potatoes and we bake it right in the fire. What fun it is to flip from one to the other hand hot potato, and then crush and eat a piece, clearing it from the salty ash. Agree, this is not a plate with the finished soup. But how much of romance and happiness conducted as if in a very different world, summer days!
1 They will go to the cinema on Sunday
2 Watch this film if you have time off (free time , без разницы)
3 Please phone him at 7 o'clock in the evening
4 What language will she speak?
5 I will read this book next week
6 We will meet with him tomorrow
7 Where will you go in summer?
8 I am sure you will understand everything if you listen to your teacher attentively
9 I won't see her if she return in July
10 They will be here in an hour it the train isn't late
Кроме обычных конструкций здесь есть еще 2 примечательные вещи: Предложения в повелительном наклонении и условные. Повелительное наклонение начинается с инфинитива ( то есть глагол, который дается в задании без окончаний или частички to) Например Иди к доске-Go to the blackboard
Подчиненные предложения времени и условия сложнее в образовании. Нужно найти главное и подчиненное предложение. Главное всегда употребляется во Future Simple, а подчиненное-в Present Simple. Например Мы покатаемся на лыжах, если погода будет хорошей. Мы покатаемся на лыжах (при каком условии?) если погода будет хорошей. Значит покатаемся-в будущем, будет хорошей- в настоящем. Получаем We will ski if the weather is fine