Подскажите правильно ли составлены вопросы? 1. what is disk defragmentation? 1. the process of redistributing file fragments and logical file system structures on disks 2. file compression process for more disk space 3. file recovery process 4. injection process 5. all listed above 2 what is the core? 1. modules that perform the basic functions of the operating system 2. modules that perform secondary functions of the operating system 3. modules that perform auxiliary functions of the operating system 4. modules that perform minor and auxiliary functions of the operating system 5. modules that perform the basic and auxiliary functions of the operating system 3 what are the functions of the modules? 1. auxiliary functions 2. basic and auxiliary functions 3. basic functions 4. secondary functions 5. all of the above. 4 what is a microkernel? : 1. this is the minimal implementation of the operating system kernel functions. 2. this is the maximum implementation of the functions of the operating system kernel. 3. this is an implementation of the operating system kernel functions. 4. it is the central part of the operating system that provides access to all computer resources. 5. this is the main implementation of the kernel functions of the operating system. 5. what is an operating system? 1. system program; 2. application program; 3. programming system; 4. driver 5. all of the above
If you’ve ever seen smog hanging low over a city, then you’ve seen air pollution first-hand. Air pollution can be natural or man-made, but it’s the man-made pollutants that are the most destructive, like greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and the destruction of the ozone. Carbon dioxide is one of the worst air pollutants, it’s mainly emitted from power plants, cars, planes and other vehicles and comes from burning fossil fuels. Another major air pollutant is methane, which comes from raising livestock, and CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which are used in aerosol products.
Air pollution has been linked to health problems like asthma and lung disease, as well as the deterioration of the ozone layer (which protects us from harmful UV rays) and the warming of the earth which may destroy the habitats of many animals. Governments are trying to encourage people to lessen air pollution driving less, recycling and limiting their energy consumption.