1. bounce a. idea 2. inflatable b. team 3. general c. dunes 4. bizarre d. ball 5. opposing e. activity 6. spectator f. down 7. sand g. around 8. whizzed h. sport
Соотнесите слова так, что бы было например Inflatable ball и т.д за скорость .
I have knownn Samuel for ten years. Question and Answer with the singer CHLOEQ: Where do you come from?A: I’m originally from Ireland, I was born in Dublin but I moved to Liverpool in England at the age of 12 and we have been living here for there for the next 3 years before moving to London.Q: Your hair is very short. Have you ever had long hair?A: Yes, when I was young. Now I'm planning to grow it long again.Q: Do you like shopping?A: Yes, especially for clothes. I've just bought a new Armani evening dress.Q: Whatdo you wear when you’re at home?A: Jeans and a tee-shirt.Q: And what are you wearing today?A: Black trousers and a white shirt. This afternoon I'm planning to open a new school.Q: And your boyfriend, Pete Turner. How long do you go out together?A: We are together for two years now.Q: And what are your plans for the future?A: Well, next year I'll do a tour of the USA. And I would like to get into film work, to become an actress.Q: Good luck! And thank you for speaking to us today.
2. I asked her what her name was and she said her name was Jane. 3. She asked me where I lived and I told her I lived in London. 4. She asked me what my favourite writer was and I told her my favorite writer was Pushkin. 5. She asked me where I had been and I told her I had been to Paris. 6. I asked her what her favourite sport was and she said her favourite sport was tennis. 7. I asked her what she liked on the beach and she said she liked to swim and to read. 8. I asked her when she was leaving and she said she was leaving the next day.
Question and Answer with the singer CHLOEQ: Where do you come from?A: I’m originally from Ireland, I was born in Dublin but I moved to Liverpool in England at the age of 12 and we have been living here for there for the next 3 years before moving to London.Q: Your hair is very short. Have you ever had long hair?A: Yes, when I was young. Now I'm planning to grow it long again.Q: Do you like shopping?A: Yes, especially for clothes. I've just bought a new Armani evening dress.Q: Whatdo you wear when you’re at home?A: Jeans and a tee-shirt.Q: And what are you wearing today?A: Black trousers and a white shirt. This afternoon I'm planning to open a new school.Q: And your boyfriend, Pete Turner. How long do you go out together?A: We are together for two years now.Q: And what are your plans for the future?A: Well, next year I'll do a tour of the USA. And I would like to get into film work, to become an actress.Q: Good luck! And thank you for speaking to us today.