1. Does he like English lessons? Do they speak English well? Will he (they) do this work the day after tomorrow? Will I wait for you? Did Petrov answer teacher's question very well.
2. These students don't want to become engineers. My brother doesn't go to school. I won't do it tomorrow morning? Will they have a dictation next week?
3. Where does my father work? Who do I often see in the library? When will we begin to prepare for our exams? How do you think he will he pass our literature exam? Who came home very late yesterday?
4. I learned to play tennis at the tennis school. I got fantasy books at our library. Tomorrow I will have a talk with him. She will come to see our family next week. My teacher will help me with my English.
5. Have I met him before? - I haven't met him before. Has he finished his work? - He hasn't finished his work.
1.Абай – великий поэт-просветитель, бард, основоположник казахской литературы. 2.Абай родился в Чингизских горах Семипалатинской области, в семье богатого феодала. 3.Абай закончил медресе (религиозная школа). Он учился в русской школе незаконно. 4. в школе он начал писать стихи. 5. отец Абая забрал его обратно в деревню, где Абай стал судьей. 6.Абай перевел произведения Пушкина, Лермонтова, Гете, Толстого, Салтыкова-Щедрина и других писателей и поэтов на казахский язык. 7. Работы Абая призывают людей к труду и борьбе за реорганизацию жизни. 8.Много его стихов посвящены новому отношению к семье, к родительскому долгу, к воспитанию молодого поколения. 9.Абай поэтически описывал природу, быт и обычаи простых людей. 10. «Слова назидания» - самое знаменитое произведение Абая.
Does he like English lessons?
Do they speak English well?
Will he (they) do this work the day after tomorrow?
Will I wait for you?
Did Petrov answer teacher's question very well.
These students don't want to become engineers.
My brother doesn't go to school.
I won't do it tomorrow morning?
Will they have a dictation next week?
Where does my father work?
Who do I often see in the library?
When will we begin to prepare for our exams?
How do you think he will he pass our literature exam?
Who came home very late yesterday?
I learned to play tennis at the tennis school.
I got fantasy books at our library.
Tomorrow I will have a talk with him.
She will come to see our family next week.
My teacher will help me with my English.
Have I met him before? - I haven't met him before.
Has he finished his work? - He hasn't finished his work.