1 Do you like winter time? - Tебе нравится зима?
2 Do you play snowballs in winter? - Вы играете в снежки зимой?
3 Do you like to ski or to skate? - Ты любишь кататься на лыжах или на коньках?
4 What are winter months? - Какие зимние месяцы?
5 What weather do you have in winter? - Какая погода у Вас бывает зимой?
6 Do you like to make a snowman with your friends? - Ты любишь лепить снеговика с друзьями?
7 Do you like sledding? - Вы любите кататься на санках?
8 Do you like winter forest? - Вам нравится зимний лес?
9 What do you like to do during your winter holidays? - Что вы любите делать в зимние каникулы?
10 What winter weather do you enjoy? - Какая зимняя погода Вам нравится?
1. Keep… from the fire! It is dangerous
c) off √
2. Burglars broke … Dad’s office last night and stole his computer.
a) into√
3. It was Will who came … the idea of going into the haunted house.
c) up with √
4. John didn’t think he could make the project, but then he carried it … .
c) off
5. We should check that new Italian café some day.
b) out of