Summer is coming and that means it's time to have fun and carelessly do whatever you want. I have some exciting things to do for this summer.
1. I'm going to watch a lot of American TV shows to improve my English 2.Moreover I'm going to read some books, but 3. I'm not going to read boring and long novels, something light and interesting.
4. I'm definitely going to go swimming somewhere. 5. Also I'm going to improve my cooking skills, because I'm not so good at it. 6. I hope I'm not going to waste all of my time on social sites because I want my summer holidays to be productive and fun.
Selena Gomez - Selena Gomez's stunning looks are due to her parents. From her father, Latin American Ricardo Gomez, she inherited a lush mane of curly hair and plump sensual lips, an from her mother, Anglo-Italian Mandy Cornett, she got a wide snow-white smile and bottomless brown eyes.
Селена Гомес - Сногсшибательная внешность Селены Гомес – заслуга ее родителей. От отца, латиноамериканца Рикардо Гомеса, она унаследовала пышную гриву вьющихся волос и пухлые чувственные губы, а от мамы, англо-итальянки Мэнди Корнетт, ей досталась широкая белоснежная улыбка и бездонные карие глаза.
Николь Кидман – замечательная австралийская и американская актриса, снявшаяся в нескольких десятках известных фильмов. За свою выдающуюся игру Николь получила премию американской киноакадемии, три Золотых Глобуса и множество других наград. Она также хорошо поет и является лицом нескольких известных компаний.
Nicole Kidman is a remarkable Australian and American actress, who starred in several dozen famous films. Nicole has won an Academy Award, three Golden Globes and a lot of other awards for her outstanding acting. She is also a good singer and a face of some famous companies.
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