Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. 1. She didn't spend a week in the Alps. 2. He doesn't write letters every day. 3. I don't work in the bank. 4. I didn't play tennis in the morning. 5. Next week he won't visit his grandfather. 6. Columbus wasn't born in Genoa. 7. I am not going to pay for the lunch today. 8. She doesn't have a new car. 9. Eric and Line don't like to get up early. 10. There is no telephone in this room.
Составьте вопросы к следующим предложениям 1. Does he work a language school? 2. Did I leave school when I was sixteen? 3. Are you going to have a big breakfast today? 4. Is she married? 5. Is it hot today? 6. Do I get to work by bus? 7. Are they going to buy a very small flat? 8. Was I at home yesterday morning? 9. Did he see three new films last month? 10. I don't like spaghetti, do I?
Вставьте недостающее по смыслу слово 1. How old is she? 2. Did you go swimming yesterday? 3. He had a long hair before, but now he wears short hair. 4. He has got a cat, because he doesn't like dogs. 5.Jim always has a shower in the morning. 6. Where do you have French? 7.Mum goes shopping every day. 8. What music does she like best? Jazz.
Khanskoe lake - Канське озеро (вживається без артикля, бо назва озера) Krasnodarsky Krai - Краснодарський край (без артикля, бо назва міста) The Azov Sea - Азовське море (з артиклем, бо назва моря) A narrow stream - стрімкий потік (пишеться з артиклем а, тому що перед загальною назвою стоїть прикметник) the stream - потік (мабуть, йдеться про якийсь конкретний потік) the mouth - рот (у людини є тільки один, тому з артиклем the) The salty lake - Солені озер єдине, що не знаю Herons - чаплі (без артикля, бо множина і загальна назва) seagulls - чайки (аналогічно) snipe - бекас або куликпташка така (одинакова форма як в однині, так і в множині)
1) I have to wash the dishes. -
2) She has to take out the trash. -
3) He has to walk the dog