However there is an iconic, cult actors and Actresses of the American movies; some of them are Americans by birth, were born in other European countries and have already been extremely popular in different.periods of his life, came to America and became a star in Hollywood. They are the creators of not only American, but also world cinema.Mary Pickford – a canadian by birth – was wildly popular in the 20-30-ies.Marilyn Monroe is known even to those who are not familiar with the American cinema of the twentieth century. "How to marry a millionaire" and "Gentlemen prefer blondes", "Niagara"Joan Crawford. She was one of the most successful and long careers in Hollywood. Movies "Tramp, tramp, tramp", "Unknown", "Mildred pierce"..
География и климат Украины Украина является одной из крупнейших стран Восточной Европы. Она занимает площадь 603 700 кв. км, ее территория простирается на 893 километров с севера на юг и на 1,316 км с востока на запад. Украина непосредственно граничит с Россией, Беларусью, Молдовой, Чехией, Польшей, Словакией, Венгрией и Румынией, на юге она омывается Черным и Азовским морями. Большая часть Украины является равнинной, и только 5 % (процентов) от всей территории занимают горы.Два горных района в Украине - Карпаты и Крымские горы, но они не высокие. Главные реки-Днепр, Днестр, Буг, Донец и другие.Климат мягкий на Западе и в центре, теплый и сухой на востоке и жаркий на юге. Растительный мир Украины богат большим разнообразием растений, число которых доходит до 16000 экземпляров. Жизнь животных тоже специфична.Население Украины составляет 47 миллионов жителей. Многие национальности населяют нашу страну: украинцы, русские, евреи, поляки, белорусы, молдоване, болгары, венгры, чехи, греки и др. ***
movies; some of them are Americans by birth, were born in other European countries and have already been extremely popular in different.periods of his life, came to America and became a star in Hollywood. They are the creators of not only American, but also world cinema.Mary Pickford – a canadian by birth – was wildly popular in the 20-30-ies.Marilyn Monroe is known even to those who are not familiar with the American cinema of the twentieth century. "How to marry a millionaire" and "Gentlemen prefer blondes", "Niagara"Joan Crawford. She was one of the most successful and long careers in Hollywood. Movies "Tramp, tramp, tramp", "Unknown", "Mildred pierce"..