I.Напишите три формы глаголов
be - … - … … - … - written
say - … - … … - heard - …
… - …. – thought know - … - …
… - … - w o r n … - … - come
II. Выбери правильное слово
1) There are (little\many) piece of chalk on the desk.
2) Have we opened the door (ourself/yourselves)?
3) If we can’t play (yourself\ourselves), let’s ask somebody to help us
4. I see in the mother’s mirror (herself\myself).
III. Прочтите текст и ответьте на во холст) to workers. Canvas was strong and soon Levi used it to make jeans. All workers liked his jeans and bought them. His first jeans had no colour. Then Levi coloured his jeans. Today everyone in the world knows the famous blue jeans of Levi Strauss.
1. Why did many people come to California?
2. Did canvas help hard work? How?
3. What colour were the first jeans?
4. What clothes do you know more?
IV. Поставьте слова в скобках в Present Perfect
1. Alice (cut) the cake into small pieces.
2. Bob whispered: ‘Your secret (keep) ground”.
3. __she ever (fall) off a bike, ___she?
4. __you ever (learn) French,you?
5. I (hear\not) anything about this story.
6. You (blow\not) up a balloon.
Dear friend- в зависимости от статуса человека, можно начать с приветствия:
Hello, имя" или "Hey, имя".
Дальше можно сразу писать текст приглашения:
I’d like to invite you to you for Valentine's Day.
Не забудьте написать, куда и в какое время вы приглашаете, например:
This week, on Sunday, I’m having a party at home. - На этой недели, в воскресенье, я приглашаю на вечеринку домой.
В конце письма выразите благодарность за внимание к письму:
Thank you for your attention.
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