Music — is an important part of our life. We listen to music every day. We listen it on the phone, hear it in the shops and cafe. And i think music is one of the most powerful tool to fight with stress.
We face stress everyday and it can have a bad effect on our life. But how can we deal with it? Of couse! By music! Just listen to 1 or 2 energetic and cool songs every morning and you will be happy all day.
Also music can help you relax. Imagine that you had a bad and hard day at school or at work. You can turn on the relax music, sound of the sea of birds and just relax.
So, if you are tired or anxious just try to listen to music and relax
Sharks (lat. Selachii) are a superorder of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), belonging to the subclass of elasmobranchii and having the following distinctive features: an elongated body of a more or less torpedo-shaped shape, a large heterocercal caudal fin, usually many sharp teeth on each jaw.
The Russian word "shark" comes from the Old Norse "hákall". The most ancient representatives already existed about 450-420 million years ago.
More than 526 species of sharks are known: from the deep-sea shallow Etmopterus perryi, only 17 centimeters long, to the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) - the largest fish (its length reaches 20 meters). Representatives of the superorder are widely distributed in the seas and oceans, from the surface to a depth of more than 2000 meters. They mostly live in sea water, but some species can also live in fresh water. Most sharks are so-called real predators, but 3 species - whale, giant and largemouth sharks - filter feeders, they feed on plankton, squid and small fish.