English is spoken here. – Здесь говорят на английском.
Past Simple Passive
I was invited. – Я был приглашён.
Вопросительное предложение: Was he invited? – Он был приглашён?
Отрицательное предложение: He was not (wasn’t) invited. – Он не был приглашён.
They were not (weren’t) invited. –Они не были приглашены.
You will be invited. – Вас пригласят (вы будете приглашены).
Вопросительное предложение: Will you be invited? – Вы будете приглашены? (Вас пригласят?)
Отрицательное предложение: You will not (won’t) be invited. – Вы не будете приглашены. (Вас не пригласят)
The bedrooms have already been furnished. — Комнаты уже обставили новой мебелью.
The dinner has been paid for. — Ужин оплатили.
-Present Continuous Passive
1) My brother …. a toy train. - a) has
2) My sister and I …. at school yesterday. - a) were
3) My mother …. pizza every Sunday. - a) cooks
4) My friend and I … go to music school on Monday. - a) don’t
5) Russia is the ….. country in the world. - c) the biggest
6) The pupils …. books at the lesson now. - b) are reading
7) My friend …. football at the moment. - a) is playing
8) Summer is … than spring. - c) the warmest
9) I ….. in the cinema yesterday. - a) was
10) He ….. at the lake yesterday. - c) was
11) … David play football tomorrow? - 3) Did