My mother and father (1) C got divorced about ten years ago. Six years later,
my mother met a kind and (2) ___ C considerate man called Tom and she
(3) B remarried . He had two sons from his previous marriage, Michael and Harry,
who are now my (4) __ A step brothers. They (5) ___ B use to live with their
mother, but now we live together in an enormous house that Tom bought and we
are quite a(n) (6) C loving family. It’s nice having brothers to play with because
otherwise I would have been a(n) (7) __ A only child. My father lives with a
woman called Sarah. She is a very (8) _ D warm and friendly person and I really
like her. She and my father are thinking of (9) ___ B adopting a child. The problem
is that Sarah works for an airline so she is always flying around the world and
sometimes she is away from home for a whole week. She says that she is not very
(10) __ C ambitious and that she might stop working to look after a baby.
19:59 => It's one minute to eight
6:55 => It's five minutes to seven
6:30 => It's half past six
6:40 => It's twenty minutes to seven
5:19 => It's nineteen minutes past five
Когда нам нужно сказать сколько часов, используем структуру: It's ( время ) o'clock
It's two o'clock => сейчас два часа (2:00)
Когда мы говорим минуты от 1 до 29, используем структуру It's ( минуты ) past ( текущий час ) (Ставим между минутами и часами слово 'past', минут после часов)
It's ten past two => сейчас десять минут после двух. (2:10)
Когда мы говорим минуты от 31 до 59, используем структуру It's (сколько минут осталось до следующего часа) to ( следующий час)
It's twenty-five to three => сейчас два часа тридцать пять минут ( осталось 25 минут до трёх часов ) (2:35)
It's ten to three => Сейчас два часа пятьдесят минут ( осталось десять минут до трёх часов) (2:50)
Когда мы хотим сказать 15 минут, используем quarter + правило выше
It's (a) quarter past two => 2:15
It's (a) quarter to three => 2:45
Когда мы говорим половина времени, используем структуру It's half past (текущее время)
It's half past two => 2:30
Есть разделение на a.m. и p.m. это:
aftermorning => до обеда
pastmorning => после обеда
Мы используем AT+TIME, когда говорим о каком то событии:
The class starts at nine o'clock => урок начнется в 9 часов
The flight leaves at ten o'clock in the morning. => самолет вылетает в 10 утра
Мы используем IT ITS(IT'S), когда отвечаем на вопрос 'сколько сейчас времени'
What time is it? - It's half past four
What's the time? - It's twenty to five
Это только кажется сложным :D