Today Edinburgh is one of the most economically prosperous regions in the UK. The economic recovery took place in 1999, when the Scottish Parliament was re-established, and a large number of government institutions were established in the city, and employment began to grow. Currently, the unemployment rate in Edinburgh is one of the lowest in the whole country. The population of Edinburgh is gradually increasing, mainly due to the influx of immigrants from other countries, and to a lesser extent thanks to residents who have moved to Edinburgh in other regions of the UK.After the sixth century the Anglo-Saxons conquered the Celtic territory, the fortress began to be called in a new way Edin-burh. Some researchers believe that this name means Edwin's Fort (Edwin's fort), and that it is probably based on the name of king Edwin of Northumbria, who ruled in the VII century, however, this assumption is unlikely due to the fact that the name has changed some time before the era of Edwin.
Сочинение. На Английском языке; My birthday. I love my birthday. We celebrate it very fun. Guests come with gifts. Cover a large table. Everything is everywhere beautifully decorated. After that we go to a large amusement park. After the amusement we buy sweet cotton wool. It is very sweet and tasty. After a merry day everyone goes home. This is the best day.
Перевод на русский язык;
Мой день рождения. Я люблю свой день рождения. Отмечаем мы его очень весело. Приходят гости с подарками. Накрывают большой празничный стол. Все везде красиво украшено. После этого мы едем в большой парк атракционов. После атракционов мы покупаем сладкую вату. Она очень сладкая и вкусная. После веселого дня все расходятся по домам. Это лучший день.