Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Professional rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route.
Due to the length of time and extended endurance required, and because accidents are most likely to happen on the descent, rock climbers do not usually climb back down the route, or "downclimb", especially on the larger multiple pitch class III–IV, or multi-day grade IV–VI climbs.
Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. It can be a dangerous activity and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and use of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.
Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines, [1] such as scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.
To begin with, that some people believe all young people should work part-time, to have their pocket money. I think that this is a controversial statement. On one hand, as teenagers in all countries we enjoy going out, walking with our friends in the park or spending time in musical clubs. We want to be independent from our parents and other adults. We understand that learning is necessary for our life, but it's so boring. Of course, we go to school and try to be obedient, but not always. We want to get dressed up and have a little bit of pocket money. But teenagers do not have the opportunity to dress as they want, because the parents do not always understand the modern fashion. On the other hand, most of us can't earn some money because of different reasons. Nowadays some adults aren't able any work so the employers do not want to deal with juveniles and adolescents have problems with the law. That is why the amount of pocket money depends on the parents and their mood or financial well-being. In conclusion, I would like to say, in my opinion, the main thing in the teenagers’ lives is to study hard. Studying is our job to enter a university, get education and become an independent person. This is my personal opinion.
Начну с того, что некоторые люди считают, все молодые люди должны работать неполный рабочий день, чтобы иметь свои карманные деньги. Мне кажется, что это спорное утверждение. C одной стороны, как и подростки во всех странах мы любим проводить время вне дома, прогуливаясь с друзьями в парке или проводя время в музыкальных клубах. Нам хочется быть независимыми от родителей и других взрослых людей. Мы понимаем, что учиться необходимо, но это так скучно. Конечно, мы ходим в школу и стараемся быть послушными, но не всегда. Нам очень хочется красиво одеваться и иметь побольше карманных денег. Но подростки не имеют возможности одеваться так, как они хотят, потому что родители не всегда понимают современную моду. С другой стороны, большинство из нас не может заработать немного денег из-за различных причин. В настоящее время некоторые взрослые не в состоянии найти хоть какую-то работу, так что работодатели не хотят работать с несовершеннолетними подростками и иметь проблемы с законом. Вот почему количество карманных денег зависит от родителей и их настроения или финансового благополучия. В заключениe я хочу сказать, по-моему, главное сейчас в жизни подростков - это хорошо учиться. Учеба - это и есть наша работа для того, чтобы поступить в институт, получить образование и быть независимым человеком. Это мое личное мнение.
Samuel Clemens, alias Mark Twain, is an American icon whose razor-sharp wit and inimitable genius have entertained countless readers for more than a century. His many publications include such gallant childhood essentials as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, along with many dozens of other works ranging from airy magazine columns to focused, biting anti-imperialist satire. He was born in Hannibal, Missouri in 1835. The Clemens family consisted of two brothers, a sister, and the family-owned slave, Jenny, whose vivid storytelling was a formative influence on the young Sam. As he was growing up, his parents explained their perspective on the nature of things in the established South, about the slave-owning tradition, and about 'rough western justice.' Reflections of this pre-war southern upbringing are found in many of Twain's writings, and although his images are quite idyllic, one cannot ignore the constant historical reminders of some of America's more unacceptable social realities. Sam Clemens first discovered his literary talents through an apprenticeship at a local printing shop. He was exposed to countless books and became an avid reader. For him, a career in journalism was more than natural, but it wasn't until the marriage of his sister that Sam was inspired to real action. Bound by train, he left Hannibal for New York City. Shortly thereafter he found himself in Philadelphia, working in the publishing and journalism fields. Eventually he relocated to Cincinatti, with the intention of saving enough money to explore the Amazon by way of New Orleans. His method of travel was to be the fateful steamboat, and while contemplating his future, he discovered his deep internal connection with the Mississippi river. Suddenly, he knew he had to learn how to pilot steamboats, and this urge proved stronger than anything he had known before. Stronger, even, than the idea of explorations in South America. Some years later, after he had left the river to continue his journalistic career, Sam realized he needed a pen-name for the more comedic and fantastic columns he was writing. This was especially necessary since he had been dispatched to Carson City to report the activities of the Nevada legislature. He searched his memory for the proper association and remembered those halcyon river days. As his pen name, he chose a bit of the lingo, relating to the periodic measurement of the distance between the bottom of the steamboat and the riverbed. When the leadsman detected a depth of only twelve feet (two fathoms), he would sound the alert: 'By the maaa-ark, twain!' While working in Carson City he met his mentor, the popular humorist Artemus Ward, who recognized Clemens' talent and encouraged him to write 'as much as possible.' Mark Twain did precisely that. Clemens married, and his finely-honed abilities earned him international renown as a writer, lecturer and traveller. Along the way, he composed some of the best-loved and most widely known literature of 19th-century America. As the chancellor of Oxford University told an aged Clemens in 1907: 'Most amiable and charming sir, you shake the sides of the whole world with your merriment.' Mark Twain spent the remaining three years completing his official autobiography, concluding with the death of his beloved wife. Four months later, on the evening of 10 April 1910, he flipped through a book and bade his doctor 'goodbye'. Thence he drifted into eternal slumber. Mr. Clemens lives on in the hearts and minds of grateful readers everywhere.Оценка: Рейтинг: Это лучший ответ
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Professional rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route.
Due to the length of time and extended endurance required, and because accidents are most likely to happen on the descent, rock climbers do not usually climb back down the route, or "downclimb", especially on the larger multiple pitch class III–IV, or multi-day grade IV–VI climbs.
Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. It can be a dangerous activity and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and use of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes.
Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines, [1] such as scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.