.Alice don`t take the bus to school every day. She usually walks to schoo. Do take you the bus to get to school or walks you? Who is this man? I think that I know him, but I forget his name. The children had a good time in the park yesterday. They have given small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they have taken pictures of themselves. Where are the children? They are watching TV in the room now. Some minutes ago they were playing a game. 6.Now I am in my class. I am siting at my desk. I always sit at the same desk.
С самого детства я мечтала о маленьком щенке и вот в этот новый год я получила этот подарок.Я очень обрадовалась увидев щенка.Все подарки для меня уже стали не важны этот подарок стал моим самым лучшим в моей жизни.Моя мечта сбылась.Сейчас я за ним ухаживаю и очень его люблю.Этот подарок запомнился мне на всю жизнь. Since childhood I dreamed about a little puppy and in this new year, I was given this gift.I was very happy when he saw the puppy.All the gifts for me have become not important this gift was my best in my life.My dream has come true.I now care for it and love it.This gift stuck with me for life.
My mum wasn't at the work last Sunday.