с тестом By the age of 6 she read and write well.
were able to
Sarah speak Chinese at the age of 11. *
was able to
to be able to
were able to
be able to
I could recite poems .
from cover to cover
of 6 years
by heart
When I was your age I ... able to read such a big bookfrom cover to cover. *
What does the adjective suffix -ful mean? *
without something
having something
able to do something
like someone
What does the adjective suffix -less mean?
without something
having something
able to do something
like someone
I always borrow books ___ the library.
You ... ask your teacher of English for help in ... you have problems with grammar. *
will, because
must, when
should, case
English is like a ... for me. *
You ... make noise while doing your test.
have to
haven't to
Sorry for my keeping silent so long, but I have good news for you! I have so many things to tell you.
The first news is that my Family moved to a new city. My father wasPROMOTED and now he is big boss. I`m too proud of him. My mum`s too. I like our new city, but we didn`t have chance to see it all… I would tell you about my city in the next letter. I`d better tell you about my new school.
The school is just close to the house I live in. The architecture of the school is just typical, but the atmosphere inside is something unique. The first day I entered the school I felt home. The teachers are ready to help you, they are strict, but friendly and open-hearted. My classmates are amazingly creative. We play different games every break, all of them have too many interests and I enjoy every minutes I spend in school with my new friends. I like physic culture. We play different team games and it is something crazy… I hope I with my classmates will present my school in the next year championship between school next year.
Hope to see you soon. I`m eager to get acquainted you to my new friends.